haziq sangat manja dgn papa...tersangat ok..sampai nak tidur malam mesti papa yg dodoikan..kalau tak,siapla dia jeritkan mama...huhu...amboi kalau siang tu bukan main lagi melekap dgn mama..actually,haziq baru saje blk dri hospital ye..menunggu amat lama dan membosankan.tp harini haziq sungguh macho depan nurse n paed...tak jerit mcm slalu..cuma asyik nk nenen aje..aduh ank teruna ni kuat minum..so, rutin checkup dkt hosp.selayang td semua ok..berat haziq makin bertambah..next appointmnet bila haziq 6bln nnt..paed nk tgk haziq development n mama kna pantau cara dia minum n muntahkan susu..paed kata mmg normal baby ni muntahkan susu tp as parents mestila kita risau kalau dh muntah byk2..tp berat haziq bertambah2 jgk..:) haziq sihat la mama..perut baru nk blajar...
A warmest welcome to dear readers.Thanks for visiting us.It's all about our little family.:)
::Choice in ur hands!!!::
Tuesday, 31 March 2009
Monday, 30 March 2009
::i'v been tagged::
5 Yang Paling Spesel - Orang Yg Masih Bernyawa:
:: Mama dan Abah n Family
:: Hubby Yayang
:: Aqeel Haziq
:: Aqeel Haziq
:: Aqeel Haziq
5 Yang Paling Spesel - Makhluk Bernyawa Bukan Orang:
:: CikCT tak bela ape2 jua binatang tp sayang sumela..
5 Yang Paling Spesel - Harta Benda Yg Memang Tak Bernyawa:
::of course la keta baru ku
::Handphone PinkyBlush (adiah dr yayang sjk zaman kt UPSI lg)
::Peti Sejuk (pun adiah dr yayang jgk utk wife dia yg kdg2 rajin msk)
::Blender Philips (taktau nape tp sayang la)
::ni laptop ni..kalo tak takleh nk bertenet..
5 Yang Paling Spesel - Ape-ape Yg Jadi Nyawa Anda:
5 Yang Paling Spesel - Penjawab Tag Nyawa Yg Seterusnya
maleh nk tag sesape pun..
:: Mama dan Abah n Family
:: Hubby Yayang
:: Aqeel Haziq
:: Aqeel Haziq
:: Aqeel Haziq
5 Yang Paling Spesel - Makhluk Bernyawa Bukan Orang:
:: CikCT tak bela ape2 jua binatang tp sayang sumela..
5 Yang Paling Spesel - Harta Benda Yg Memang Tak Bernyawa:
::of course la keta baru ku
::Handphone PinkyBlush (adiah dr yayang sjk zaman kt UPSI lg)
::Peti Sejuk (pun adiah dr yayang jgk utk wife dia yg kdg2 rajin msk)
::Blender Philips (taktau nape tp sayang la)
::ni laptop ni..kalo tak takleh nk bertenet..
5 Yang Paling Spesel - Ape-ape Yg Jadi Nyawa Anda:
5 Yang Paling Spesel - Penjawab Tag Nyawa Yg Seterusnya
maleh nk tag sesape pun..
Sunday, 29 March 2009
::susu ape?::
susu ape haziq minum?susu cap mama la..sbb tu bdn dia kuat n semangat..
azam mama ialah untuk breastfeed haziq secara exclusive..walopun haziq duk dgn cik awe haziq ttp akn minum susu brand mama..hehehe...setakat ini mama dh brjaya membuat stok express breastmilk utk haziq..membanggakn jgk..yg penting cukup utk ank mama sepanjang mama di sekolah..ini mmg azam mama sejak haziq dlm perut lg..n credit to papa sbb membelikn breastpump avent isis utk mama..n mama juga sangat bertuah sbb papa sikit pun tak penah sebut ttg susu formula..walopun kdg2 nmpk mama mcm tak bersungguh kn..tp u see papa..i've made it..n now mama dh pun melabur utk membeli spectra 3 dr JUNEFAHMI..siap ade free gift lg..thanks to june..utk permulaan biarla mama berazam hingga 6bln..nnt leh dpt diploma breastfeed..hihihi..i love to breastfeed my baby...
azam mama ialah untuk breastfeed haziq secara exclusive..walopun haziq duk dgn cik awe haziq ttp akn minum susu brand mama..hehehe...setakat ini mama dh brjaya membuat stok express breastmilk utk haziq..membanggakn jgk..yg penting cukup utk ank mama sepanjang mama di sekolah..ini mmg azam mama sejak haziq dlm perut lg..n credit to papa sbb membelikn breastpump avent isis utk mama..n mama juga sangat bertuah sbb papa sikit pun tak penah sebut ttg susu formula..walopun kdg2 nmpk mama mcm tak bersungguh kn..tp u see papa..i've made it..n now mama dh pun melabur utk membeli spectra 3 dr JUNEFAHMI..siap ade free gift lg..thanks to june..utk permulaan biarla mama berazam hingga 6bln..nnt leh dpt diploma breastfeed..hihihi..i love to breastfeed my baby...
::cloth diaper::
apa dia cloth diaper ni???nama glemer CD..sila bc artikel dibwh.mama jumpa dkt page ni..http://www.ezmotherhood.com/
Why Cloth Diapers?
The Top Ten Reasons for Choosing A Cloth Diapering System:
1. Cotton is the Most Natural Diaper you can put next to your baby¹s skin. There is no need for gels or chemicals.
2. Do you know how a Disposable Diaper works? Do you know what's in a disposable diaper (there are no ingredients listed on their package) ? Try this --- cut a disposable diaper in half. Pour water on half and watch what happens. There are tiny chemical crystals that turn into a spongy gel when water hits them.
3. The Environment. A baby will use either 7,000 disposable diapers or 80 cotton diapers. A disposable diaper is used for 2 hours - a cloth diaper is used for 3 years. Think of all the resources used to produce a product that will last for only 2 hours and then be thrown away. Think about where all the billions of throw-away diapers are going to end up.
4. Less Diaper Rash. Studies have shown there is less diaper rash with the use of cotton diapers than with disposable diapers.
5. Cloth costs Less-a lot Less. You will save about RM3500 if you use cloth over disposables. While disposables are priced very cheaply for the newborn sizes, as your baby grows the diapers start costing a lot more.
6. Cloth Diapers are Easy To Use. In your mom's day you needed pins, rubber pants, and time to fold a long flat cloth into a diaper. Now with modern cloth diapers, it is quick and easy to change your baby.
7. Babies Potty Train Earlier when they use cotton because they can feel the wetness.
8. It takes a cup full of crude oil to produce the plastic for one disposable diaper.
9. Babies learn by imitation. You can teach them by example, the responsible way of dealing with waste. You don't just wrap it up and throw it away.
10. Medical and News Reports from Germany and England now suggest there is a link between the use of disposable diapers and infertility in boys (due to lower sperm count).
mama taklah nk bercakap saja ttg ini krn haziq pun akn mula pakai CD..mahal?nnt kita korek2 lg dr segi bajet ok..
Why Cloth Diapers?
The Top Ten Reasons for Choosing A Cloth Diapering System:
1. Cotton is the Most Natural Diaper you can put next to your baby¹s skin. There is no need for gels or chemicals.
2. Do you know how a Disposable Diaper works? Do you know what's in a disposable diaper (there are no ingredients listed on their package) ? Try this --- cut a disposable diaper in half. Pour water on half and watch what happens. There are tiny chemical crystals that turn into a spongy gel when water hits them.
3. The Environment. A baby will use either 7,000 disposable diapers or 80 cotton diapers. A disposable diaper is used for 2 hours - a cloth diaper is used for 3 years. Think of all the resources used to produce a product that will last for only 2 hours and then be thrown away. Think about where all the billions of throw-away diapers are going to end up.
4. Less Diaper Rash. Studies have shown there is less diaper rash with the use of cotton diapers than with disposable diapers.
5. Cloth costs Less-a lot Less. You will save about RM3500 if you use cloth over disposables. While disposables are priced very cheaply for the newborn sizes, as your baby grows the diapers start costing a lot more.
6. Cloth Diapers are Easy To Use. In your mom's day you needed pins, rubber pants, and time to fold a long flat cloth into a diaper. Now with modern cloth diapers, it is quick and easy to change your baby.
7. Babies Potty Train Earlier when they use cotton because they can feel the wetness.
8. It takes a cup full of crude oil to produce the plastic for one disposable diaper.
9. Babies learn by imitation. You can teach them by example, the responsible way of dealing with waste. You don't just wrap it up and throw it away.
10. Medical and News Reports from Germany and England now suggest there is a link between the use of disposable diapers and infertility in boys (due to lower sperm count).
mama taklah nk bercakap saja ttg ini krn haziq pun akn mula pakai CD..mahal?nnt kita korek2 lg dr segi bajet ok..
::our weekend::
first wekend trip Aqeel Haziq...hihi...this is the first weekend for three of us only..:) yup..since haziq was born we had our weekends with our family around..so,what did we do? as usual mama n papa mana leh duk saje2 dkt bukit sentosa..on saturday we went to One Utama n The Curve..hihi...baru lps pantang la eik..actually mamapapa wanna buy some babystuffs for haziq la..tp xde sale sgt..so we end up bought 3 bib, a cute soft shoes @ mothercare, daysuit n bottles for ebm @ jusco..how's haziq??memula sgt2 relax n tido je dlm pushchair..tp bila dh smpai JJ mula la cranky2 sbb nappy dh basah n lapo..so,mama lepak dlm babyroom..dh kenyang, mama solat then we went to mothercare @ the curve..though kt OU ade mothercare jgk tp items tak byk cam kt thecurve..then,papa went to tesco n mama n haziq wait n had our teatime @ JomBali Cafe..
sunday,we went to Batang Kali..pagi2 mama ajak papa gi batang kali.saje nk lalu dpn skolah..mama la bwk keta baru..keta baru hadiah sempena lahirkan haziq eik pa??papa duk blakang dgn haziq pastu kami pegi breakfast.:)lepas itu,terus ke rawang..tp parkson tak bukak lg..giant je yg dh bukak..so,pegi la jgk giant cr brg dapur ckit2..
yang pasti,hujung minggu bertiga memang best..
sunday,we went to Batang Kali..pagi2 mama ajak papa gi batang kali.saje nk lalu dpn skolah..mama la bwk keta baru..keta baru hadiah sempena lahirkan haziq eik pa??papa duk blakang dgn haziq pastu kami pegi breakfast.:)lepas itu,terus ke rawang..tp parkson tak bukak lg..giant je yg dh bukak..so,pegi la jgk giant cr brg dapur ckit2..
yang pasti,hujung minggu bertiga memang best..
Saturday, 28 March 2009
::new content::
mama ingat lepas ini mama nak tukar content blog haziq...kita akan cakap mcm mana mama nak tolong papa save monthly budget..bukan kisah kedekut tp berjimat cermat..supaya aqeel haziq pun pandai berjimat jugak...
kita akan cakap pasal breastfeeding n cloth diaper..mama new obsession...
kita akan cakap pasal breastfeeding n cloth diaper..mama new obsession...
Wednesday, 25 March 2009
ada byk benda yg merisaukan cikCT..now,abah sdg mnjalani treatment radioterapi at Pantai Mutiara Med.,Penang..ma plak temankan abah.risaunye bila parents kite sakit tp kite tak dpt nk tlg byk..:( yg boleh cikCT buat skrg ni doa byk2 utk kesejahteraan mereka..
yg kedua risaukan ank bujang yg sorang ni..sape plak nk jaga bila dh stat keje nnt.tp alhamdulilah,pg td jiran2 dtg tgk haziq n nk amik buah jambu (umah saye ade jambu yg tak putus2 berbuah), trus cikCt tyakn ttg baby sitter..alhamdulillah,Kak Awe(jiran sebelah) setuju..alhamdulillah..tak pening dh nk cari.tp ttp riso jgk sbb hero ni kdg2 byk ragam kerenahnye..kdg2 nk berdodoi aje..harap2 dia pandai bawak diri nnt..
harini takmo tido siang sgt..nk main aje..ni pun tgh tido2 ayam je..papa blk lunch td,dodoi jap dlm buai lena plak..ish2..
yg kedua risaukan ank bujang yg sorang ni..sape plak nk jaga bila dh stat keje nnt.tp alhamdulilah,pg td jiran2 dtg tgk haziq n nk amik buah jambu (umah saye ade jambu yg tak putus2 berbuah), trus cikCt tyakn ttg baby sitter..alhamdulillah,Kak Awe(jiran sebelah) setuju..alhamdulillah..tak pening dh nk cari.tp ttp riso jgk sbb hero ni kdg2 byk ragam kerenahnye..kdg2 nk berdodoi aje..harap2 dia pandai bawak diri nnt..
harini takmo tido siang sgt..nk main aje..ni pun tgh tido2 ayam je..papa blk lunch td,dodoi jap dlm buai lena plak..ish2..
::baby sitter::
haziq dearie,
alhamdulillah,haziq dh ada pengasuh..tak pening dh mama n papa nk cari lg.mama harap sangat2 haziq serasi n pandai bwk diri..tak jauh pun..sebelah pagar je..hehehe..boleh pas ikut pagar je..insyaAllah lps ni mama pegi sekolah, papa pegi keje, haziq tinggal dgn mama Awe n cik Su..anak mama kna pndai tido sndiri n takmo nangis2 ye sayang..tak lama pun mama tinggal..pukul 2 mama balikla..
alhamdulillah,haziq dh ada pengasuh..tak pening dh mama n papa nk cari lg.mama harap sangat2 haziq serasi n pandai bwk diri..tak jauh pun..sebelah pagar je..hehehe..boleh pas ikut pagar je..insyaAllah lps ni mama pegi sekolah, papa pegi keje, haziq tinggal dgn mama Awe n cik Su..anak mama kna pndai tido sndiri n takmo nangis2 ye sayang..tak lama pun mama tinggal..pukul 2 mama balikla..
Tuesday, 24 March 2009
::routinizing aqeel haziq::
aqeel haziq dh makin beso n semangat bdnnye..mama mmg tk larat nk dodoi2..slalunye papa yg dodoi..n skrg pun haziq tido dlm buaian..kate papa "guring dalam ayunan"..ikut mood dia jgk..kdg2 ltk kt tilam je pun dia lena..rutin haziq bgn pg kul 6.minum pastu tido blk smpai kul 8..bgn,nangis2,nyusu n mama mandikan..pas dh lawa2,main jap pastu nyusu lg then tido smpai kul 11..tp siang hari haziq mmg senang tido..sbb dia shif mlm..huhu..stat kul 10pm tu matanye akan membulat.slalunye bila haziq dh kenyang minum, dia nk papa yg dodoikan br dia senyap..makin bijak n manja la anak mama ni..geyammmm....mama ade 15hari lg sblm mula bekerja..huhu..trasa malasnye n risaunye nk tinggalkan manja mama yg sorang ni..camne eik..tgh brtungkus lumus membuat stok susu utk haziq..
Thursday, 19 March 2009
Sunday, 15 March 2009
::haziq has new paklang n makngah::
kita blk kg lg minggu ni..knduri kawen adik2 yayang..penat sungguh berulang alik dlm pantang nih..n haziq pun ramaila peminat nk jenguk..papa haziq bz la yg amat sgt smpat jenguk haziq dr tingkap je..so,haziq dh dpt paklang n makngah baru in a day..hehe...pasni tggu cousins baru la plak kn haziq...




tingat ms kawen thn lps..br 10buln..hehe...
tingat ms kawen thn lps..br 10buln..hehe...
Wednesday, 11 March 2009
::Prolonged jaundice::
Dear Aqeel Haziq,
on Friday,6 March, Mama n Papa brought u to do TSB again coz Ma realized ur skin is too yellowish..i'm so sorry..ur TSB was 12 n doc referred us to Hospital Selayang..n today we met Paedtrician.so far, doc said no worry coz u'r healthy n active baby..but we need to do the test that hurt u..huuhuuu...Mama n Papa had to wait outside while nurses take ur blood n we heard u were screaming very loud..then,Mama had to collect ur urine n bcoz u'r boy so it's easy..:) next week we'll come again on Thursday for the result..Mama Papa always pray for u..
Aqeel dh pndai senyum bila diagah..:)
Tuesday, 10 March 2009
Dear ank mama n papa,
arini aqeel haziq cucuk sebulan.mujur mak tok ade dtg temankan.kalo tak kelam kabut mama.papa trpaksa p ofis n tak boleh tggu kite..aqeel nangis setiap kali nurse n doc buka baju..mama notice aqeel haziq ni mmg tak suka org bukakan baju..maybe you feel eerie..ms cucuk melalak la jugk sbb terkejut.tp alhamdulillah lps tu aqeel tak meragam/demam..
arini aqeel haziq cucuk sebulan.mujur mak tok ade dtg temankan.kalo tak kelam kabut mama.papa trpaksa p ofis n tak boleh tggu kite..aqeel nangis setiap kali nurse n doc buka baju..mama notice aqeel haziq ni mmg tak suka org bukakan baju..maybe you feel eerie..ms cucuk melalak la jugk sbb terkejut.tp alhamdulillah lps tu aqeel tak meragam/demam..
Monday, 9 March 2009
::Our sweetheart is 1 month::

ni ogawa chair kata mak tok..:)
wah,kejap je kn..Aqeel dh sebulan tau..dh pndai memerap sbb dh knal bau mama n papa..n dh pandai senyum bila diagah..jumpe Paed n dia kata Aqeel Haziq aktif n cepat membesor..yela,sehari bape kali tukar diapers n baju sbb poo n pee n muntah susu..
owh haziq dh sebulan n kebetulan cuti maulidurrasul..n kebetulan 9/3 hari lahir abah tok..papa bli kek n kite semua sambut dkt umah mak long..best sbb jumpe abg hazim yg dh beso tu..
Wednesday, 4 March 2009
::aunt fara n aunt ngah birthday::
aunt fara birthday is on 2nd March. aunt ngah birthday is today...so,happy birthday to both of u from aqeel haziq..kalo aqeel lahir ikut EDD, 3rd march, msti dia leh share kek aunty kn..smga aunty2 sentiasa dirahmati Allah...panjang umo n murah rezki..nnt kite jumpe ye..
Monday, 2 March 2009
::22 days Aqeel Haziq::
dear ank mama n papa,
Aqeel Haziq dh besor...hari ke 20 timbang dh 3.5kg..em,spjg 20 hari haziq ade kuning.n skrg dh makin ilang...hari ke-5 mama n papa bwk ke hospital kuala kubu bharu slps disuruh2 olh nurse yg dtg melawat kt umah...buat test TSB..SB tu serum bilirubine...masa tu ank mama nangis2 bila tumit yg kecik comey tu dicucuk utk amik drh..tp kejap je sbb haziq macho la mama..huhu...hari ke-10 di kampung plak..nurse suh pi wat TSB lg..aduh,dhle papa takde..tp aqeel haziq ni sgt2 memahami la mama.dia tak nangis langsung malah tak bangun lgsg dr tido yg nyenyak tu..
Aqeel Haziq dh besor...hari ke 20 timbang dh 3.5kg..em,spjg 20 hari haziq ade kuning.n skrg dh makin ilang...hari ke-5 mama n papa bwk ke hospital kuala kubu bharu slps disuruh2 olh nurse yg dtg melawat kt umah...buat test TSB..SB tu serum bilirubine...masa tu ank mama nangis2 bila tumit yg kecik comey tu dicucuk utk amik drh..tp kejap je sbb haziq macho la mama..huhu...hari ke-10 di kampung plak..nurse suh pi wat TSB lg..aduh,dhle papa takde..tp aqeel haziq ni sgt2 memahami la mama.dia tak nangis langsung malah tak bangun lgsg dr tido yg nyenyak tu..
::Aqeel is at home::
22days...Aqeel Haziq is at HOMEsweetHOME now...kite abihkn brpantang kt umah sndiri dgn papa la...n rite now aqeel haziq tgh tido tp tak berape nyenyak sbb bile mama brgerak jauh skit je mata dia mula bukak intai2..aqeel tau takde org kat umah..smbil titon pun berbunyi2 je...mama alhamdulillah dh sihat cuma mata je dh cam panda..hehe...dibuli olh si kecik yg dh mulat nih..mlm td elok dia dh lena mama angkat ltk dlm cot tp 2jam pastu dia mula merengek2 nk susu..last2 tido smpai ke pagi dgn mama n papa...
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