::Choice in ur hands!!!::

Saturday 6 June 2009

::school holiday part 2::

Jengka, here we come....

6th June 2009/8 a.m/Bukit Sentosa to Jengka via Genting Highland

went to my brother's new house at Jengka Pusat wit mama n abah..the journey took about 2 1/2 hours. feel so exhausted bcoz da view along da journey was only palm estate. da east-coast highway was not like north-south highway.

were happy to meet my only nephew..Luqman Hazim..adorable little boy who is very playful, talkative n smart.

acting like a baby with bib

Jengka Pusat was a small town. majority of the residents are Malay. I was told that only Bumiputera are allowed to open shops. they have their own supermarket like Pronadz, B5, u-mart but when i looked at them, it was like 'hidup segan mati tak mahu'...do u know Samerin MoreJuta Ria? he has an electrical appliances shop...but it doesnt look like he had invested 1million to tis shop...:) ok, Jengka, we'll come again later..maybe for hunting Patin msk tempoyak at Temerloh????


Naz Nur Nhazzla said...

patin tempoyak kat sana mhl giler

Cik CT said...

mayB ada kedai2 yg tertentu kut naz..tp sbnrnye cikCt bukan suke mkn pun anything yg related to Tempoyak..huhu..tak tau la nape...durian tu boleh la skit tp bile jd tempoyak ni kurg skit...