Petang td, si Ana (budak 5thn sebelah umah) duduk bersantai2 di umah dgn Mama n Aqeel Haziq. Dia dah membuatkan Mama sangat2 tingin makan Pizza Hut.hahaha...bukan ngidam, dh check n negative..hehehe...lagipun Mama dh tersangat boring terperap di umah..belom pegi la therapy..tula, Aunti Dilla ajak Mama shopping..Papa belum berkesempatan lg bwk Mama shopping..takpa2 simpan dulu RM yg ada tu..nak beli baju skolah nnt..dh dpt mkn Pizza Hut..yeay...TQ Papa..dpt kluar p Rawang pun jadila..
Alhamdulillah, kedua2 ayahanda kami dh discharge dr Ma call bagitau Abah berselera sungguh makan..risau Abah tak mkn bila kami semua dh balik ke sini..masa nk balik cni Abah tya bila nk blk tepeng semula..tak terjawab..sbb takut berjanji nnt abah merajuk pulak..InsyaAllah,kami blk secepat mungkin..
Abah mertua pulak dh blk ptg td..alhamdulillah,lepas ni perlu mkn ubat shj.Harap2 Mak boleh control menu diet Abah..hehehe..
A warmest welcome to dear readers.Thanks for visiting us.It's all about our little family.:)
::Choice in ur hands!!!::
Wednesday, 30 December 2009
28hb DEC, Aqeel Haziq pergi KK Serendah dengan Mama utk check up 10 bulan..rupanya sangat penat berduaan saje ke klinik tanpa Papa..hahaha..Mama terpaksa bf Aqeel in public sbb takut nnt sampai turn tak dengar plak.kebiasaannya, kalau dengan Papa, Mama bf Aqeel dlm baby room n tunggu Papa panggil je bila sampai turn..huhu...lepas tu, terkedek2 jugak mengusung anak teruna yang mantap ni ke situ ke sini..masuk bilik nurse,bilik doktor, tunggu ubat...pengalaman semua tu..sebenarnya Mama bersyukur sbb ada lg org yg susah payah.contohnya ada org yg perlu dtg naik bas..Aqeel pun sampai tertido masa tunggu turn nak ambil ubat.(syampu gatal2 di kepala)..
Sebenarnya, Aqeel Haziq dh terbiasa tengok nurse n doc sbb sepanjang cuti ataupun boleh dikatakan sejak Abah Tok sakit dan berulang ke Hospital Balik Pulau, GH Penang & Taiping; Aqeel melawat n merawat Abah Tok sama.tambah2 bila Mama cuti sekolah, Aqeel dtg hosp setiap hari..dan menjerit2 tanda protes bila tak dpt merangkak sana sini..tapi gelak mengekek2 bila dapat main kepala paip ataupun remote control dkt katil hosp itu..Abah Tok kata dia nk beli katil dgn remote jgk ade surgical bed dkt umah..boleh naik turun tekan remote je kan..
Orait, back to the story..Berat cuma naik 400g dr 2bln lps.8.6kg dia meninggi dan menyebabkan BMI kurang cantik.nurse bagitau jgn risau sbb dia,mak tok kata macam budak tadika..Nurse yg check Aqeel tu dh kenal dgn Mama n Aqeel sbb masa dlm pantang dia yg dtg umah.Lepas tu, Aqeel jd tumpuan ramai sbb parut BCG takde..So, Aqeel kena ulang semula cucuk BCG..Habis sorang2 nurse dtg check n confirmkan.
29hb DEC..pagi2 lg Mama dh kejutkan Aqeel Haziq sbb nak pergi klinik..pakaikn baju sleeveless sbb nnt senang nurse nk inject.Mama suruh Papa yg pegang sbb rasa tak sanggup nk tengok tp rupanya Papa lagi tak sanggup nak tengok..aiseh..nurse suruh Mama bedungkan budak tadika ni..Bedung dgn kain selimut yg tebal supaya dia tak meronta. tapi, raja air mata ni, belum pun kena inject dh melalak..huuhuu..berlakon btol la awak ni Aqeel..inject BCG ni susah sbb jarum perlu berada dibwh kulit.kalau inject yg biasa2 tu just inject masuk isi daging kn..Nurse pun susah bila baby melalak sbb tak boleh tergopoh2 nnt tak jd parut.Bila dh selesai, Mama dokong n suis air mata tu trus stop.Maknanya menangis bkn sbb sakit tp sbb rimas kena bedung tu..So, skrg kna duduk dlm umah tak boleh kna panas..
Sebenarnya, Aqeel Haziq dh terbiasa tengok nurse n doc sbb sepanjang cuti ataupun boleh dikatakan sejak Abah Tok sakit dan berulang ke Hospital Balik Pulau, GH Penang & Taiping; Aqeel melawat n merawat Abah Tok sama.tambah2 bila Mama cuti sekolah, Aqeel dtg hosp setiap hari..dan menjerit2 tanda protes bila tak dpt merangkak sana sini..tapi gelak mengekek2 bila dapat main kepala paip ataupun remote control dkt katil hosp itu..Abah Tok kata dia nk beli katil dgn remote jgk ade surgical bed dkt umah..boleh naik turun tekan remote je kan..
Orait, back to the story..Berat cuma naik 400g dr 2bln lps.8.6kg dia meninggi dan menyebabkan BMI kurang cantik.nurse bagitau jgn risau sbb dia,mak tok kata macam budak tadika..Nurse yg check Aqeel tu dh kenal dgn Mama n Aqeel sbb masa dlm pantang dia yg dtg umah.Lepas tu, Aqeel jd tumpuan ramai sbb parut BCG takde..So, Aqeel kena ulang semula cucuk BCG..Habis sorang2 nurse dtg check n confirmkan.
29hb DEC..pagi2 lg Mama dh kejutkan Aqeel Haziq sbb nak pergi klinik..pakaikn baju sleeveless sbb nnt senang nurse nk inject.Mama suruh Papa yg pegang sbb rasa tak sanggup nk tengok tp rupanya Papa lagi tak sanggup nak tengok..aiseh..nurse suruh Mama bedungkan budak tadika ni..Bedung dgn kain selimut yg tebal supaya dia tak meronta. tapi, raja air mata ni, belum pun kena inject dh melalak..huuhuu..berlakon btol la awak ni Aqeel..inject BCG ni susah sbb jarum perlu berada dibwh kulit.kalau inject yg biasa2 tu just inject masuk isi daging kn..Nurse pun susah bila baby melalak sbb tak boleh tergopoh2 nnt tak jd parut.Bila dh selesai, Mama dokong n suis air mata tu trus stop.Maknanya menangis bkn sbb sakit tp sbb rimas kena bedung tu..So, skrg kna duduk dlm umah tak boleh kna panas..
Tuesday, 29 December 2009
::Bye,bye 2009::
just wanna list down few things dat happen in our life..yg syok saje la...
1)become Mama n Papa to Aqeel Haziq in February
2)got new 'baby' from Papa in February also (incik Myvi)
3)went to interview DG41 in May
4)1st wedding anniversary together with baby @ Manhattan Fish Market,MV & Century Pines,Cameron Highlands in May,June.
5)Papa become Assistant Manager @ P2 in July - rezeki baby
6)I got new laundry maid - Cik Tochi
7) got new smartphone from Papa
8)Honeymoon again @ Awana Genting Highlands in November
yg tak best biar dlm ingatan saje...
1)become Mama n Papa to Aqeel Haziq in February
2)got new 'baby' from Papa in February also (incik Myvi)
3)went to interview DG41 in May
4)1st wedding anniversary together with baby @ Manhattan Fish Market,MV & Century Pines,Cameron Highlands in May,June.
5)Papa become Assistant Manager @ P2 in July - rezeki baby
6)I got new laundry maid - Cik Tochi
7) got new smartphone from Papa
8)Honeymoon again @ Awana Genting Highlands in November
yg tak best biar dlm ingatan saje...
::Back to school::
Next week dah mula sekolah..Mama bertugas sesi petang pulak..ada kawan2 yg tanya CikCt suka ke tak suka?..senyum jela..suka..suka...beberapa sebab kenapa CikCt suka;;
1)lepas subuh boleh golek2 lg dgn Aqeel Haziq.
2)boleh sediakan n makan breakfast dgn Papa.
3)boleh mandikan n gosokkan gigi Aqeel Haziq.
4)boleh main2 dengan baby sorang ni.
5)boleh siapkan keje umah n masak utk tghari.
tapi...ada beberapa sebab CikCt rasa macam tak rela la...
1)bila dh tengahari,semangat nk kerja tu menurun sikit.maklumla panas..
2)cepat mengantuk
3)nak drive pergi tu ok tp nak drive balik tu huhuhu..dh senja la masa tu..
4)parking dkt skolah time tgahri adalah full..mesti kena parking merata2 tempat.
5)goodbye la cucu betong ke cinta balqis ke..hahaha,,tak dpt tgk tibi ptg2 la..
anyway, CikCt mengharapkan tahun 2010 ni lebih banyak perkara2 yang baik akan berlaku dlm hidup kami..
1)lepas subuh boleh golek2 lg dgn Aqeel Haziq.
2)boleh sediakan n makan breakfast dgn Papa.
3)boleh mandikan n gosokkan gigi Aqeel Haziq.
4)boleh main2 dengan baby sorang ni.
5)boleh siapkan keje umah n masak utk tghari.
tapi...ada beberapa sebab CikCt rasa macam tak rela la...
1)bila dh tengahari,semangat nk kerja tu menurun sikit.maklumla panas..
2)cepat mengantuk
3)nak drive pergi tu ok tp nak drive balik tu huhuhu..dh senja la masa tu..
4)parking dkt skolah time tgahri adalah full..mesti kena parking merata2 tempat.
5)goodbye la cucu betong ke cinta balqis ke..hahaha,,tak dpt tgk tibi ptg2 la..
anyway, CikCt mengharapkan tahun 2010 ni lebih banyak perkara2 yang baik akan berlaku dlm hidup kami..
Thursday, 10 December 2009
::few days without Papa::
Day 4 without PAPA..
I think now I can cope with the situation.but sometimes still out of control.Alhamdulillah,I'm at kampung with my eldest sister n nieces,SIL nephew,of course my parents and in law 's family.They give me strength to handle my little baby so called as Anak Papa..We'v never been apart before and sometimes I feel hard bcoz Papa is da one who helped me a lot when he's at home..I depend on him a lot..I know I'v to learn to be independent but I just cant...*ngade2 skit*..counting the days to see Papa again...
I think now I can cope with the situation.but sometimes still out of control.Alhamdulillah,I'm at kampung with my eldest sister n nieces,SIL nephew,of course my parents and in law 's family.They give me strength to handle my little baby so called as Anak Papa..We'v never been apart before and sometimes I feel hard bcoz Papa is da one who helped me a lot when he's at home..I depend on him a lot..I know I'v to learn to be independent but I just cant...*ngade2 skit*..counting the days to see Papa again...
I'm confused.. dillema...
is it TRUE negative or FALSE negative..*sigh*
I need a confirmation BUT I still want to wait...wait for my laling to come back...
Wednesday, 9 December 2009
::a blog for me::
A blog for me.....
i) is a virtual free diary for me (as i'm not make it private so it's OPEN to others)
*write on my life,career but still has limit.
ii) is a reflection diary (learn new things after one thing happens; try to make it perfect).
iii) is a place to share information and seek for advice.
iv) is a place to learn how to be a good person and inculcate moral value on how to be a good blogger and reader which can be seen through the writing.
what else???
cannot think more because kinda stress with the network here...53.6kbps ONLY...waiting to upload A picture is soooooo stressful..
i) is a virtual free diary for me (as i'm not make it private so it's OPEN to others)
*write on my life,career but still has limit.
ii) is a reflection diary (learn new things after one thing happens; try to make it perfect).
iii) is a place to share information and seek for advice.
iv) is a place to learn how to be a good person and inculcate moral value on how to be a good blogger and reader which can be seen through the writing.
what else???
cannot think more because kinda stress with the network here...53.6kbps ONLY...waiting to upload A picture is soooooo stressful..
::10mos baby::
yeay...another month growing up...
hensem la anak papa mama kalo nanges2 tak hensem langsung...
Day 2 without Papa;
1)bangun tido saje nangis
2)tak nampak kelibat mama nangis
3)makan pun sikit
4)asyik2 mengomel papapapapapa..
5)saradyna tersentuh skit nangis..sensitip tul ank teruna papa nih..
6)pandai sgt mintak nak kluar?how?duduk dkt tepi door grill n mintak dokong..
hensem la anak papa mama kalo nanges2 tak hensem langsung...
Day 2 without Papa;
1)bangun tido saje nangis
2)tak nampak kelibat mama nangis
3)makan pun sikit
4)asyik2 mengomel papapapapapa..
5)saradyna tersentuh skit nangis..sensitip tul ank teruna papa nih..
6)pandai sgt mintak nak kluar?how?duduk dkt tepi door grill n mintak dokong..
Monday, 7 December 2009
Friday, 4 December 2009
::Balik kampung::
Nak balik kampung esok...haish,seronok sebab leh jaga Abah..nak makan macam2..tgk la list kat sini..
1) Cendol Bismillah
2) Popiah Tepeng
3) Mi udang mak Jah
4)Kuetiau Doli
5)Durian Bkt Gantang - baru ni je yg teringin sgt2...
6)Laksa dkt Simpang
TAPI.....nanti duduk di kampung Papa takde...2 minggu jauh dgn Papa..jauh yang teramat jauh la..sebab Papa nanti seminggu berada di Negara Matahari terbit bukan seberang sungai je..huhuhuhu..dapat ke mak makan semua2 ni Aqeel Haziq????
1) Cendol Bismillah
2) Popiah Tepeng
3) Mi udang mak Jah
4)Kuetiau Doli
5)Durian Bkt Gantang - baru ni je yg teringin sgt2...
6)Laksa dkt Simpang
TAPI.....nanti duduk di kampung Papa takde...2 minggu jauh dgn Papa..jauh yang teramat jauh la..sebab Papa nanti seminggu berada di Negara Matahari terbit bukan seberang sungai je..huhuhuhu..dapat ke mak makan semua2 ni Aqeel Haziq????
::He's growing up::
He's growing up.Now my little prince can sit,crawl,stand and learning to walk..Alhamdulillah...He got the teeth and learn to bite but still sangat manja..he doesnt want to hold his own biscuit and eat by himself, ppl hav to hold for him..sangat garang..hahaha..this one is totally come from his mother gen..and of course his voice Ouch, kuat sangat...Son of teacher..:)
Oh, at first I'm a bit worry when his development is 9mos he juz started to crawl but i do believe that every baby has own milestones and develops at his own pace.Not to worry because the time will come for them..But, I will feel worry when I heard other babies are more advanced than my baby. It's natural to worry right. At the age of 6mos and above, baby development on physical or speech are vary from others. I'm interested to talk about this when I read the entry from Ila-Mummy Aqil Khalish on "cepatnye,on time,lambatnye"..
I didnt want to comment about others.This is all about me..
What did I feel when my son show his first attempt to roll from his back to front?
Of course I was happy at that time and feel proud because he can do it. More proud becoz I was the first person saw it!!..I believe all Mommies are proud with their child development right.
What did I feel when the nurses ask whether my baby can sit on his own, crawling during monthly checkup (8mos)?
I felt soooooooo worry bcoz my baby canNOT do all the actions at 8mos.He juz starting to do 'combat' crawl at 8mos becoz before that his mode of transportation is roll over and over. I hate to compare my baby with other babies and I also hate when ppl compare my baby. I know my baby well.
As I am concern about my baby, I learn and search bout more info on baby milestones and development (actually i'v learn bout it during my study on Child Language Acquisition) and that's why I believe that all babies do have their own milestones. The timeline is a general guide. I do believe if my baby doesnt follow the milestones chart maybe he is trying his best to focus on certain skill. Moreover, mommies know her child well so we can detect any abnormality and do not hesitate to see for doctor's advice rather than comparing your babies with other.
p/s I got this useful advice from hubby's friend. When I told him dat Aqeel Haziq didnt crawl yet, he told me dat Aqeel may skip the skill. He reminded us, if Aqeel skip the skill of crawling, we have to teach him crawl eventhough he has walk. It is because every steps n skills that babies learn it will connect the nerves in their brain. So, we have to help them.
That's all folks...
Oh, at first I'm a bit worry when his development is 9mos he juz started to crawl but i do believe that every baby has own milestones and develops at his own pace.Not to worry because the time will come for them..But, I will feel worry when I heard other babies are more advanced than my baby. It's natural to worry right. At the age of 6mos and above, baby development on physical or speech are vary from others. I'm interested to talk about this when I read the entry from Ila-Mummy Aqil Khalish on "cepatnye,on time,lambatnye"..
I didnt want to comment about others.This is all about me..
What did I feel when my son show his first attempt to roll from his back to front?
Of course I was happy at that time and feel proud because he can do it. More proud becoz I was the first person saw it!!..I believe all Mommies are proud with their child development right.
What did I feel when the nurses ask whether my baby can sit on his own, crawling during monthly checkup (8mos)?
I felt soooooooo worry bcoz my baby canNOT do all the actions at 8mos.He juz starting to do 'combat' crawl at 8mos becoz before that his mode of transportation is roll over and over. I hate to compare my baby with other babies and I also hate when ppl compare my baby. I know my baby well.
As I am concern about my baby, I learn and search bout more info on baby milestones and development (actually i'v learn bout it during my study on Child Language Acquisition) and that's why I believe that all babies do have their own milestones. The timeline is a general guide. I do believe if my baby doesnt follow the milestones chart maybe he is trying his best to focus on certain skill. Moreover, mommies know her child well so we can detect any abnormality and do not hesitate to see for doctor's advice rather than comparing your babies with other.
p/s I got this useful advice from hubby's friend. When I told him dat Aqeel Haziq didnt crawl yet, he told me dat Aqeel may skip the skill. He reminded us, if Aqeel skip the skill of crawling, we have to teach him crawl eventhough he has walk. It is because every steps n skills that babies learn it will connect the nerves in their brain. So, we have to help them.
That's all folks...
Wednesday, 2 December 2009
::Line Clear, Penang::



Kekanda tuan tanah bersama anaknda tercinta


At last, my dear hubby found this was afternoon n luckily da weather was clear. it's hard to find for first timer like us becoz it's location is hidden among the bulidings..the food is alright for me but i'm not a fan of nasi kandar..:)
tercapai la hasrat kekandaku yg ngidam nk mkn nasi kandar line clear...:)

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