i like to list down my activities..n i wrote it everywhere actually..in blog, small diary, calendar, handphone...:) n 'kalendar kuda' is the most favourite place to 'conteng' all the activities...so, what gonna happen in november??? let's see..
1st - wedding invitation @ Paya Jaras
5th- monthly checkup @ KK Serendah
8th- wedding invitation @ Besout
10th- taklimat by JPN Selangor @ Kelab Shah Alam (beginning of my teaching profession)
22th - checkup @ PMC, Sg.Buloh
23rd- wedding invitation @ JB
29th- BIL engagement @ Teluk Pulai, Klang
n most of the things will happen during weekenD..oOOooo...must be a hectic weekend to me n of course my darling. poor him..no rest @ HOMEsweetHOME after bee-bz-ing along weekdays..
A warmest welcome to dear readers.Thanks for visiting us.It's all about our little family.:)
::Choice in ur hands!!!::
Thursday, 30 October 2008
Wednesday, 29 October 2008
::creamy mushroom soup & black pepper sauce::
tingin mkn mushroom soup ala2 cam pizza hut tu kn..smlm cikCT coba2 la kt dapur..jdla jgk walaupun kekurangan bhn..janji ade rasa2 mushroom soup n look creamy..:)..
::bahan2nye:: (my portion is for 2ppl n for lunch&dinner)
1 biji bwg besar.(dihiris)
1 s/b butter
mushroom (cendawan butang o yg tiram pun bleh)
1/2 kiub ayam
1 s/b tepung jagung bancuh dgn air ye.
serbuk lada hitam (ikut kesukaan anda)
2cwn air
1/2 cwn susu (sbb x pakai sour cream o any sauce for soup)
n bleh la add on daun parsley ke, daun sup ke, carrot pun bleh..
garam gula secukup rasa (tp dh buh kiub takyah grm pun takpe)
1.cairkan butter pastu masukkan bawang yg dihiris td. goreng hgga kekuningan.
2.masukkan cendawan td n grg dlm 1-2 min.
3. pastu, masukle tepung jagung n kiub ayam, lada hitam n air td..kacau skjp.rasakan masin n manisnye.
4. dh tup api biarkan sejuk kejap then, blend la soup td.
5.dh blend,masuk blk dlm periuk n renehkan skjp smpai likat.kalo suka leh tmbh cendawan yg dh dipotong dadu.bile mkn rasa cendawan tu..nyam..nyam...cicah roti..alhamdulillah...kenyang...
opp..lum complete lg la menu kite..cikCT grg ayam yg diperap 1 jam dgn sos tiram,lada hitam,cili kisar..ala2 cam nk mkn chicken chop la plak..grg salut tepung cam kfc pastu mkn dgn sos black pepper..haa..nk senang bli jela sos black pepper kn tp cikCT dgn rajinnye buatle..senang sgt..
1 biji bawang besar (potong dadu)
1 biji tomato (dadu)
cendawan ckit
1 s/b tepung gandum
1 s/b butter ke margarine ke ape2 jela
1/2 kiub ayam knorr (agk2 kalo suke masin ltk je 1 kiub,huhu)
kicap skit nk bg kaler itam
sos cili Maggi bg de umpph..
lada hitam.(ni kalo xde, x sahle nama black pepper tu..cikCT ada lada hitam yg biji2 khas dr kg..tnm blkg umah..jdnye knala mnumbuk skit)
ayor skit.
1.cairkan le butter pastu masukkan bawang tu.grg smpai wangi..
2.pastu cpt2 masukkan tepung gandum td kacau2 jgn bg brketul.kalo bketul tmbh butter ckit2.
3.pastu buh cendawan, tomato, kiub ayam, lada hitam n ayor skit2.
4.nk bg kaler, buh kicap pekat ckit2 smpai kaler memuaskan.(Awas!!jgn hitam benor)
5.pastu kacau2 smpai nmpk dh likat tutupla api.
mkn bsama ayam td atau bleh juge jd sos utk sandwich o pe2 je la yg korang suke..selamat mencuba..bc bismillah dan selawat sblm msk insyaAllah walaupun anda mereka2 menu itu pasti jd sedap n yg plg penting berkhasiat n tak memudaratkan...:)
::bahan2nye:: (my portion is for 2ppl n for lunch&dinner)
1 biji bwg besar.(dihiris)
1 s/b butter
mushroom (cendawan butang o yg tiram pun bleh)
1/2 kiub ayam
1 s/b tepung jagung bancuh dgn air ye.
serbuk lada hitam (ikut kesukaan anda)
2cwn air
1/2 cwn susu (sbb x pakai sour cream o any sauce for soup)
n bleh la add on daun parsley ke, daun sup ke, carrot pun bleh..
garam gula secukup rasa (tp dh buh kiub takyah grm pun takpe)
1.cairkan butter pastu masukkan bawang yg dihiris td. goreng hgga kekuningan.
2.masukkan cendawan td n grg dlm 1-2 min.
3. pastu, masukle tepung jagung n kiub ayam, lada hitam n air td..kacau skjp.rasakan masin n manisnye.
4. dh tup api biarkan sejuk kejap then, blend la soup td.
5.dh blend,masuk blk dlm periuk n renehkan skjp smpai likat.kalo suka leh tmbh cendawan yg dh dipotong dadu.bile mkn rasa cendawan tu..nyam..nyam...cicah roti..alhamdulillah...kenyang...
opp..lum complete lg la menu kite..cikCT grg ayam yg diperap 1 jam dgn sos tiram,lada hitam,cili kisar..ala2 cam nk mkn chicken chop la plak..grg salut tepung cam kfc pastu mkn dgn sos black pepper..haa..nk senang bli jela sos black pepper kn tp cikCT dgn rajinnye buatle..senang sgt..
1 biji bawang besar (potong dadu)
1 biji tomato (dadu)
cendawan ckit
1 s/b tepung gandum
1 s/b butter ke margarine ke ape2 jela
1/2 kiub ayam knorr (agk2 kalo suke masin ltk je 1 kiub,huhu)
kicap skit nk bg kaler itam
sos cili Maggi bg de umpph..
lada hitam.(ni kalo xde, x sahle nama black pepper tu..cikCT ada lada hitam yg biji2 khas dr kg..tnm blkg umah..jdnye knala mnumbuk skit)
ayor skit.
1.cairkan le butter pastu masukkan bawang tu.grg smpai wangi..
2.pastu cpt2 masukkan tepung gandum td kacau2 jgn bg brketul.kalo bketul tmbh butter ckit2.
3.pastu buh cendawan, tomato, kiub ayam, lada hitam n ayor skit2.
4.nk bg kaler, buh kicap pekat ckit2 smpai kaler memuaskan.(Awas!!jgn hitam benor)
5.pastu kacau2 smpai nmpk dh likat tutupla api.
mkn bsama ayam td atau bleh juge jd sos utk sandwich o pe2 je la yg korang suke..selamat mencuba..bc bismillah dan selawat sblm msk insyaAllah walaupun anda mereka2 menu itu pasti jd sedap n yg plg penting berkhasiat n tak memudaratkan...:)
::will be papa's mate::
Dear sayang,
we're happy to know dat u're a BOY. but sometime mama is wondering, how??how to raise a boy...mama has 3 nieces dat so close n dat's why mama feels a bit worry. but papa said, not to worry anything bcoz papa will be with us 24/7, sweetheart..yeah, i love papa day and night..u'll be papa's mate..watching tv, top gear, natGeo, discvry channel, NEWS..huhu..(papa's favourite programme)..n then, we'r so excited to find baby stuff n list down your name..hmm..we'll try our best darling..mama n papa search ur name n its meaning from books, internet n suddenly mama go through one of da motherhood magazine n list these two names..alright..wait for papa to choose as we promised earlier papa will give name to his son..:)
Aqeel Hareez, Aqeel Haziq..will choose one only..:)
u're 22 weeks in mama's womb darling..n kicking a lot..but sometimes u make mama n papa worry when u didnt move.huhuhu..i know u'r sleeping soundly in there..yeah, u'r my sweetie pie..
we're happy to know dat u're a BOY. but sometime mama is wondering, how??how to raise a boy...mama has 3 nieces dat so close n dat's why mama feels a bit worry. but papa said, not to worry anything bcoz papa will be with us 24/7, sweetheart..yeah, i love papa day and night..u'll be papa's mate..watching tv, top gear, natGeo, discvry channel, NEWS..huhu..(papa's favourite programme)..n then, we'r so excited to find baby stuff n list down your name..hmm..we'll try our best darling..mama n papa search ur name n its meaning from books, internet n suddenly mama go through one of da motherhood magazine n list these two names..alright..wait for papa to choose as we promised earlier papa will give name to his son..:)
Aqeel Hareez, Aqeel Haziq..will choose one only..:)
u're 22 weeks in mama's womb darling..n kicking a lot..but sometimes u make mama n papa worry when u didnt move.huhuhu..i know u'r sleeping soundly in there..yeah, u'r my sweetie pie..
Tuesday, 28 October 2008
::guides for mum2b::#1
when u want to buy??what to put in the list??
as my belly is 5months now (goin' to b six another few weeks) we'r excitd to find baby stuff..:) i got this from babyjaya ...a checklist for mum2b like me..o any mum..not necessary to follow all (nama pun panduan). if mom n dad feel it is important so why not, juz add in your checklist...for example, my hubby n i decide to buy da stroller when baby arrives..why? bcoz, we can try to put the baby in it n see whether baby is comfortable or not..however, we'v choose da one that we like to buy n daddy can go anytime to buy it when mummy still in confinement coz we'v da deal.:) furthermore, we choose a travel cot instead of baby cot as it is easy to assemble n bring to anywhere. and it can be used from newborn until toddler..yeah,sleeping time is important for baby..make sure the cot is made from a good material n long lasting..Brand??up to u all n we'v choose GRACO to put in our list as we'v done survey on its material and colour too..plus the price is reasonable n affordable. clothes?? find few clothes for newborn but dont too many as baby grows very fast..longsleeves,shortsleeves,rompers,sleepsuits n dont forget cute mitten n bootees..:) maybe about 8-10 pairs.(probably u may get a few presents..hehehe)..n receiving blanket.important when u discharge from the hospital...:) ok,i'll update soon...
Feeding :
Feeding Bottles & Teats
Teat & Bottle Brush
Pacifier & Pacifier Holder
Bottle Cleanser/Detergent
Bottle Tongs
Breast Pump
Breastmilk Storage Containers/Bags
Electric Bottle & Food Warmer
Nursing Tops
Nursing Bras
Breast/Nursing pads
Nursing Pillows/Supports
Nipple Cream
Cooler Bag & Cooling Aids
Formula Milk Container/Dispenser
Thermos Flask
Warmer Bag
Nursery :
Baby Cot
Playpen / Playard (Optional)
Mattress - Latex / Fibre / Foam
Mattress Protector / Waterproof Pads
Bedding Co-ordinates (Cot Bumpers, Fitted Sheets, Comforters, Pillow & Bolsters)
Chest Of Drawers
Clothings :
Tops & Pants / Rompers / Sleep Suits
Mittens & Booties
Receiving Blankets / Thermal Blankets / Swaddling Blankets
Bathing & Grooming :
Bath Tub
Bath Seat / Bath Bed / Bath Net
Wash Cloths / Sponges
Toiletries (Baby Bath, Baby Oil/Lotion, Baby Powder etc)
Bath Towels
Cotton Wool Balls / Swabs
Cotton Buds
Baby Comb & Brush
Baby Nail Clipper / Scissors
Bath Thermometer (Optional)
Tummy Binders
Nasal Aspirator / Cleaner
Changing & Diapering :
Changing Table & Changing Mat
Baby Wipes
Disposable Diapers / Nappies & Nappy Liners
Diaper Rash Cream / Barrier Cream
Safety Pins / Nappy Fasterners
Travelling Necessities :
Stroller / Pram
Car Seat
Baby Carrier
Nursery Bag With Foldable Changing Mat
Sunshades (Optional)
Safety & Monitoring :
Baby Monitor
Baby Thermometer
Laundry :
Nappy / Clothes Detergent
Nappy / Clothes Softeners
Clothes Hangers
Laundry Basket (Optional)
Stimulating Toys :
Black & White Soft Toys / Flash Cards
Play Gym
Musical Mobiles / Rattling Toys
Books :
Parenting Books
Babycare Books
as my belly is 5months now (goin' to b six another few weeks) we'r excitd to find baby stuff..:) i got this from babyjaya ...a checklist for mum2b like me..o any mum..not necessary to follow all (nama pun panduan). if mom n dad feel it is important so why not, juz add in your checklist...for example, my hubby n i decide to buy da stroller when baby arrives..why? bcoz, we can try to put the baby in it n see whether baby is comfortable or not..however, we'v choose da one that we like to buy n daddy can go anytime to buy it when mummy still in confinement coz we'v da deal.:) furthermore, we choose a travel cot instead of baby cot as it is easy to assemble n bring to anywhere. and it can be used from newborn until toddler..yeah,sleeping time is important for baby..make sure the cot is made from a good material n long lasting..Brand??up to u all n we'v choose GRACO to put in our list as we'v done survey on its material and colour too..plus the price is reasonable n affordable. clothes?? find few clothes for newborn but dont too many as baby grows very fast..longsleeves,shortsleeves,rompers,sleepsuits n dont forget cute mitten n bootees..:) maybe about 8-10 pairs.(probably u may get a few presents..hehehe)..n receiving blanket.important when u discharge from the hospital...:) ok,i'll update soon...
Feeding :
Feeding Bottles & Teats
Teat & Bottle Brush
Pacifier & Pacifier Holder
Bottle Cleanser/Detergent
Bottle Tongs
Breast Pump
Breastmilk Storage Containers/Bags
Electric Bottle & Food Warmer
Nursing Tops
Nursing Bras
Breast/Nursing pads
Nursing Pillows/Supports
Nipple Cream
Cooler Bag & Cooling Aids
Formula Milk Container/Dispenser
Thermos Flask
Warmer Bag
Nursery :
Baby Cot
Playpen / Playard (Optional)
Mattress - Latex / Fibre / Foam
Mattress Protector / Waterproof Pads
Bedding Co-ordinates (Cot Bumpers, Fitted Sheets, Comforters, Pillow & Bolsters)
Chest Of Drawers
Clothings :
Tops & Pants / Rompers / Sleep Suits
Mittens & Booties
Receiving Blankets / Thermal Blankets / Swaddling Blankets
Bathing & Grooming :
Bath Tub
Bath Seat / Bath Bed / Bath Net
Wash Cloths / Sponges
Toiletries (Baby Bath, Baby Oil/Lotion, Baby Powder etc)
Bath Towels
Cotton Wool Balls / Swabs
Cotton Buds
Baby Comb & Brush
Baby Nail Clipper / Scissors
Bath Thermometer (Optional)
Tummy Binders
Nasal Aspirator / Cleaner
Changing & Diapering :
Changing Table & Changing Mat
Baby Wipes
Disposable Diapers / Nappies & Nappy Liners
Diaper Rash Cream / Barrier Cream
Safety Pins / Nappy Fasterners
Travelling Necessities :
Stroller / Pram
Car Seat
Baby Carrier
Nursery Bag With Foldable Changing Mat
Sunshades (Optional)
Safety & Monitoring :
Baby Monitor
Baby Thermometer
Laundry :
Nappy / Clothes Detergent
Nappy / Clothes Softeners
Clothes Hangers
Laundry Basket (Optional)
Stimulating Toys :
Black & White Soft Toys / Flash Cards
Play Gym
Musical Mobiles / Rattling Toys
Books :
Parenting Books
Babycare Books
::visit Tisya's family::
melawat shu, x-classmate,x-dormmate..
finally,smpai jugak ke villa D'shire @ Kota Damansara..jumpa tisya,mama n papa dia..awl2 lg tisya dh cenyum2 nmpk giginye..sggh chumell..pastu giggle2..ish2..wat auntie geyam la tisya..tisya tegur2 baby dlm peyut ye..baby sleeps la tisya..:) lama sgguh tk jumpe shu.last skali ms shu kawen tu pun tak smpat la nk smbang2..now,dptla jumpe jgk kn pas shu blk dr ireland..memula budget 30min je rupanye melarut2 jgk smpai 1jam..:) ok,will update pic soon...pasni kite tggu tisya dtg umah kite la plak ye baby...:)
finally,smpai jugak ke villa D'shire @ Kota Damansara..jumpa tisya,mama n papa dia..awl2 lg tisya dh cenyum2 nmpk giginye..sggh chumell..pastu giggle2..ish2..wat auntie geyam la tisya..tisya tegur2 baby dlm peyut ye..baby sleeps la tisya..:) lama sgguh tk jumpe shu.last skali ms shu kawen tu pun tak smpat la nk smbang2..now,dptla jumpe jgk kn pas shu blk dr ireland..memula budget 30min je rupanye melarut2 jgk smpai 1jam..:) ok,will update pic soon...pasni kite tggu tisya dtg umah kite la plak ye baby...:)
senyuman tisyia yg menawan
Sunday, 26 October 2008
~we'v decided~
finally,we'v decided that i'll deliver our baby here @ Putra Medical Center, Sg.Buloh..so,our child will be a Selangorian..huhu..ok..dat's our plan n we'v to wait another 4months...who knows it might be changed right..
::surprise for mama n papa when doc show us da baby gender n we decide to announce it when da baby arrive in the world soon...hehehe...:: excited to hunt for baby stuff..is it too early???? mama papa, let's make the list now...
::surprise for mama n papa when doc show us da baby gender n we decide to announce it when da baby arrive in the world soon...hehehe...:: excited to hunt for baby stuff..is it too early???? mama papa, let's make the list now...
Tuesday, 21 October 2008
::mommy n daddy feel it, darling::
Pregnancy information: week 21 of being pregnant -
Your waistline will be truly disappearing at this stage as your uterus starts to move up above your navel. Your waistline will be truly disappearing at this stage as your uterus starts to move up above your navel. It should be quite obvious that you are pregnant, though some women are bigger than others. You may be noticing slight swelling in your lower legs in the evening. Avoid puffy feet and ankles by circling your feet regularly whenever you have time. Try to rest with your feet up. As your skin stretches over your bump it might start to itch. If you are feeling your baby move, you will probably notice your baby moving more, with him or her more active when you are resting and still when you are on the move.
::Your baby ::
Your baby now weighs half the weight of a tin of beans. Talk to your baby, as he or she will hear your muffled voice. Your baby can swallow amniotic fluids, some experts believe this gives the growing baby some essential nutrients. Your baby is steadily gaining fat in order to keep warm.
our darling baby wiggles a lot.make mummy awake at night.n daddy of course feel excited when palpating on mummy's tummy...alhamdulillah,it's a good sign that u're growing healthily in your 'playground'.even now, when i'm typing this entry,u move around.kicking..:) we'll check on u soon alright..according to the chinese chart (suggested by aunty fara), probably it's a boy but the percentage is only 58%.but we dont mind as long as baby is healty. as your daddy said,this is our first baby.if it's second or third probably knowing the gender is an excitement.
the time flies sooo fast..
Your waistline will be truly disappearing at this stage as your uterus starts to move up above your navel. Your waistline will be truly disappearing at this stage as your uterus starts to move up above your navel. It should be quite obvious that you are pregnant, though some women are bigger than others. You may be noticing slight swelling in your lower legs in the evening. Avoid puffy feet and ankles by circling your feet regularly whenever you have time. Try to rest with your feet up. As your skin stretches over your bump it might start to itch. If you are feeling your baby move, you will probably notice your baby moving more, with him or her more active when you are resting and still when you are on the move.
::Your baby ::
Your baby now weighs half the weight of a tin of beans. Talk to your baby, as he or she will hear your muffled voice. Your baby can swallow amniotic fluids, some experts believe this gives the growing baby some essential nutrients. Your baby is steadily gaining fat in order to keep warm.
our darling baby wiggles a lot.make mummy awake at night.n daddy of course feel excited when palpating on mummy's tummy...alhamdulillah,it's a good sign that u're growing healthily in your 'playground'.even now, when i'm typing this entry,u move around.kicking..:) we'll check on u soon alright..according to the chinese chart (suggested by aunty fara), probably it's a boy but the percentage is only 58%.but we dont mind as long as baby is healty. as your daddy said,this is our first baby.if it's second or third probably knowing the gender is an excitement.
the time flies sooo fast..
::she's cute::
Dina, mama n babahnye dtg beraya @ HOMEsweetHOME..menu utk aritu adlh laksa penang. memula hajatnye nk ajak jiran dtg mkn2 tp bile mama n babah dina nk dtg so kite cuma bg jela laksa tu pd kak awe n family. kuih2 raya tu yg dlm balang jela..sbb kn dh kekeringan jd dearly hubby pun masukkan biskut sbg tmbhn..huhu...
mama dina ni schoolmate cikCT n skrg kami duduk dlm area yg sama or some people called kingdom of perodua.:) babah dina keje dkt perodua jugak..dina dh 2 kali dtg HOMEsweetHOME tp kami lum berkesempatan nk ke umah dina lg..
Monday, 20 October 2008
::your strength::
Let’s think.
Are we brave enough to face with the consequences from what we had done before?
Will we be fine when we knew the effects of what we had done?
Are we ready to listen to others people comments on what we had done?
We need strength. Mentally and physically.
Yes. We need it before and after we did something that involved other people’s feeling. We have to bear in mind that some people can easily accept our comments, opinions or assistance BUT some people do not. A part of our talk or action maybe can ruin a friendship.(our friendship or maybe others)
That’s human nature. (friends come and go)
Sometimes, we think very carefully or thoroughly and we conclude that our talk, comments, writing or what so ever will not be harmful to others’ feeling BUT probably it goes contradict.
That’s why we have to be ready. HOW?
Be an apologizing and forgiving person. Yes, it is your strength. Your inner strength that SHOULD COME FROM YOUR HEART.
p/s This entry is dedicated to my sis nani-chan. You’re very brave dear. What I can say is you’ve done a right thing. Eventhough you might hurt her feelings but you already ask for her forgiveness. And if she is like you, she has to forgive and understand why did you send the email (though I didn’t know what are the email content but I believe it must be related with ‘she&he’ relationship rite). BUT nani, I like to remind you that there are many types of girls. And most of the girls are sensitive or very sensitive when come to love part. Only little things can make them hurt emotionally and lead them to hatred. It will take a long time for them to forgive even you say that you didn’t mean to hurt her at beginning. That’s why people say girls always think with their feelings not with their brains. I do believe it when it comes to the problem that involved love or friendship. Till some of them take a short way to solve it by breaks it up. Some people will say that what you did was wrong and others probably not. However, I still proud of you to be such a forgiving and apologizing person. That’s not easy dear BUT make sure it is really come from the deep of your heart.
Are we brave enough to face with the consequences from what we had done before?
Will we be fine when we knew the effects of what we had done?
Are we ready to listen to others people comments on what we had done?
We need strength. Mentally and physically.
Yes. We need it before and after we did something that involved other people’s feeling. We have to bear in mind that some people can easily accept our comments, opinions or assistance BUT some people do not. A part of our talk or action maybe can ruin a friendship.(our friendship or maybe others)
That’s human nature. (friends come and go)
Sometimes, we think very carefully or thoroughly and we conclude that our talk, comments, writing or what so ever will not be harmful to others’ feeling BUT probably it goes contradict.
That’s why we have to be ready. HOW?
Be an apologizing and forgiving person. Yes, it is your strength. Your inner strength that SHOULD COME FROM YOUR HEART.
p/s This entry is dedicated to my sis nani-chan. You’re very brave dear. What I can say is you’ve done a right thing. Eventhough you might hurt her feelings but you already ask for her forgiveness. And if she is like you, she has to forgive and understand why did you send the email (though I didn’t know what are the email content but I believe it must be related with ‘she&he’ relationship rite). BUT nani, I like to remind you that there are many types of girls. And most of the girls are sensitive or very sensitive when come to love part. Only little things can make them hurt emotionally and lead them to hatred. It will take a long time for them to forgive even you say that you didn’t mean to hurt her at beginning. That’s why people say girls always think with their feelings not with their brains. I do believe it when it comes to the problem that involved love or friendship. Till some of them take a short way to solve it by breaks it up. Some people will say that what you did was wrong and others probably not. However, I still proud of you to be such a forgiving and apologizing person. That’s not easy dear BUT make sure it is really come from the deep of your heart.
Friday, 17 October 2008
::another 20weeks::
Dear sayang baby,
sayang,ikut perkiraan ade lg 20mggu..skrg sayang dh semakin aktif bergerak2 dan kejutkan mama time tido..dan mama dgn rasa amat ngantuk kejutkan papa jugak sebab kepanasan dan rasa tidak selesa..tapi takpe,itu buatkan mama faham yg anak manje papa ni(admit by papa) sihat dan kuat...:) walaupun baru2 ni mama masuk hospital dan buatkan papa panik.(mama dh citer dkt HOMEsweetHOME) dan mama dh 2 kali tgk sayang ms doc scan.papa je blum berkesempatan tgk sayang.takpe,nnt papa mama tgk k bila sayang dh besar skit.emmmmuahhhhhhhhhh....sayang sakura papa&mama ni...
sayang,ikut perkiraan ade lg 20mggu..skrg sayang dh semakin aktif bergerak2 dan kejutkan mama time tido..dan mama dgn rasa amat ngantuk kejutkan papa jugak sebab kepanasan dan rasa tidak selesa..tapi takpe,itu buatkan mama faham yg anak manje papa ni(admit by papa) sihat dan kuat...:) walaupun baru2 ni mama masuk hospital dan buatkan papa panik.(mama dh citer dkt HOMEsweetHOME) dan mama dh 2 kali tgk sayang ms doc scan.papa je blum berkesempatan tgk sayang.takpe,nnt papa mama tgk k bila sayang dh besar skit.emmmmuahhhhhhhhhh....sayang sakura papa&mama ni...
::Mencari identiti:: Build your own personality
This entry is totally based on my thought and some of my experiences.
In our life, some of us have idol that lead us to follow what she/he does in her/his life.in every aspect such as clothing style, speaking style, even the thinking style..have you ever heard the dialogue below?
Nak pakai baju macam tula sbb tgk si blabla pakai cantik je.
Si blabla buat baju mcm ni la.
Si blabla kata macam ni lg bagus.jd nk ikut mcm si blabla buat la.
(dh fanatic sangat)
but somehow,we have to build our own personality..i’m posting this entry bcoz a few days ago I had a short dialogue thru sms with my friend about ‘copycat’. This is much related to the previous entry :;perasaan perasan::
‘copycat’ person is such a person that searching identity in a very narrow way. Usually, he/she doesn’t have a guide or doesn’t know who actually they are. They tend to copy people who are close to them because they really adore their idol. Or sometimes they tend to force people who are weaker than them to follow them. I’m not saying that following people style is wrong but there is a right way to do that.
Are you comfortable when people say ‘ait,nape aku tgk style ko sama je dgn siblabla’ / ‘bukan ke dulu siblabla buat macam ni la kan.abih tu ko ikut la dia’…so annoying right..
Don’t follow or copy 110% of the person that you adore but make them as an example in your life. You may find your own personality when you are confident to do something on your own. You will be titled as a copycat person when you tend to copy your favourite person style and keep changing your style until other people don’t know who are you..maybe only some people may understand you but what kind of person??
Senang cerita::
Orang berubah menjadi semakin baik. Contohnye;
Dulu mencuri sekarang dh insaf.
Dulu suka mencaci sekarang dh tak buat lagi.
Dulu rambutnya terdedah sekarang dh bertudung litup.
Dulu suka berfoya,bertukar pasangan sekarang mencari yang benar.
Dulu hidup tak ingat akhirat sekarang dh taubat.
Orang mencari sinar bukan mencari kegelapan.
Bukannya dulu tuturnya sopan, sekarang asyik mengeji.
Bukannya dulu elok bertutup, sekarang sengaja didedah-dedahkan.
Bukannya dulu elok berkawan, sekarang mencaci hina
Bukannya dulu halus budi bahasa, sekarang dh suka berkasar bahasa.
Bukannya dulu asyik memuji, sekarang suka memerli.
Buat diri sendiri yang masih mencari ilmu dunia dan akhirat, buat teman2 blogger, teman2 yg mengenali, sama2lah kita mengkaji diri kita dan apa yg sebenarnya kita mahu dlm hidup yg sementara ini…….
In our life, some of us have idol that lead us to follow what she/he does in her/his life.in every aspect such as clothing style, speaking style, even the thinking style..have you ever heard the dialogue below?
Nak pakai baju macam tula sbb tgk si blabla pakai cantik je.
Si blabla buat baju mcm ni la.
Si blabla kata macam ni lg bagus.jd nk ikut mcm si blabla buat la.
(dh fanatic sangat)
but somehow,we have to build our own personality..i’m posting this entry bcoz a few days ago I had a short dialogue thru sms with my friend about ‘copycat’. This is much related to the previous entry :;perasaan perasan::
‘copycat’ person is such a person that searching identity in a very narrow way. Usually, he/she doesn’t have a guide or doesn’t know who actually they are. They tend to copy people who are close to them because they really adore their idol. Or sometimes they tend to force people who are weaker than them to follow them. I’m not saying that following people style is wrong but there is a right way to do that.
Are you comfortable when people say ‘ait,nape aku tgk style ko sama je dgn siblabla’ / ‘bukan ke dulu siblabla buat macam ni la kan.abih tu ko ikut la dia’…so annoying right..
Don’t follow or copy 110% of the person that you adore but make them as an example in your life. You may find your own personality when you are confident to do something on your own. You will be titled as a copycat person when you tend to copy your favourite person style and keep changing your style until other people don’t know who are you..maybe only some people may understand you but what kind of person??
Senang cerita::
Orang berubah menjadi semakin baik. Contohnye;
Dulu mencuri sekarang dh insaf.
Dulu suka mencaci sekarang dh tak buat lagi.
Dulu rambutnya terdedah sekarang dh bertudung litup.
Dulu suka berfoya,bertukar pasangan sekarang mencari yang benar.
Dulu hidup tak ingat akhirat sekarang dh taubat.
Orang mencari sinar bukan mencari kegelapan.
Bukannya dulu tuturnya sopan, sekarang asyik mengeji.
Bukannya dulu elok bertutup, sekarang sengaja didedah-dedahkan.
Bukannya dulu elok berkawan, sekarang mencaci hina
Bukannya dulu halus budi bahasa, sekarang dh suka berkasar bahasa.
Bukannya dulu asyik memuji, sekarang suka memerli.
Buat diri sendiri yang masih mencari ilmu dunia dan akhirat, buat teman2 blogger, teman2 yg mengenali, sama2lah kita mengkaji diri kita dan apa yg sebenarnya kita mahu dlm hidup yg sementara ini…….
Thursday, 16 October 2008
::apa yg tak best::
Apa yg tak best jd cikgu??
Bila budak2 tak mau dengar cakap.
Bila budak2 tak pandai hormat cikgu.
Bila budak2 tak buat apa yg cikgu suruh.
Bila budak2 pandai melawan cikgu.
Bila budak2 tak pandai2 jugak walau dh diajar beribu kali.
~jadi,kenapa jd cikgu?~
Sebab masa kecik suka sgt main cikgu2, dari kecik lagi (dlm perut lg) dh pegi sekolah, dan sebab jiwa ini lebih kepada nk berkongsi ilmu…
Bila yg best jd cikgu?
Bila budak2 faham dan pandai apa yg diajar.
Bila budak2 hormat cikgu dan ucapkan terima kasih cikgu walau yg diajar tu hanya sepatah perkataan.
Bila budak2 patuh pada arahan.
Bila budak2 masih ingat pada cikgu walau cikgu yg datang dan pergi dlm idup dia tu silih berganti..
Jadi,hormatilah cikgu anda sebab setiap ilmu yg diturunkan tu ada keberkatannya.Jangan sekali2 kurang ajar dgn cikgu walaupun anda tak suka cikgu tu sbb cikgu ni manusia. Ditekankan disini hormati guru yg memberi tunjuk ajar yg betul, yg mendorong kearah kebaikan, dan yg membantu anda dlm kesusahan tanpa mengharapkan balasan. Jadi,anda pun berhak menilai yg mana baik dan buruk sebab anda pun manusia. Tuhan boleh bayar cash utk perbuatan kurang ajar anda pada org yg tak sepatutnye anda berbuat demikian..
Bila budak2 tak mau dengar cakap.
Bila budak2 tak pandai hormat cikgu.
Bila budak2 tak buat apa yg cikgu suruh.
Bila budak2 pandai melawan cikgu.
Bila budak2 tak pandai2 jugak walau dh diajar beribu kali.
~jadi,kenapa jd cikgu?~
Sebab masa kecik suka sgt main cikgu2, dari kecik lagi (dlm perut lg) dh pegi sekolah, dan sebab jiwa ini lebih kepada nk berkongsi ilmu…
Bila yg best jd cikgu?
Bila budak2 faham dan pandai apa yg diajar.
Bila budak2 hormat cikgu dan ucapkan terima kasih cikgu walau yg diajar tu hanya sepatah perkataan.
Bila budak2 patuh pada arahan.
Bila budak2 masih ingat pada cikgu walau cikgu yg datang dan pergi dlm idup dia tu silih berganti..
Jadi,hormatilah cikgu anda sebab setiap ilmu yg diturunkan tu ada keberkatannya.Jangan sekali2 kurang ajar dgn cikgu walaupun anda tak suka cikgu tu sbb cikgu ni manusia. Ditekankan disini hormati guru yg memberi tunjuk ajar yg betul, yg mendorong kearah kebaikan, dan yg membantu anda dlm kesusahan tanpa mengharapkan balasan. Jadi,anda pun berhak menilai yg mana baik dan buruk sebab anda pun manusia. Tuhan boleh bayar cash utk perbuatan kurang ajar anda pada org yg tak sepatutnye anda berbuat demikian..
::perasaan perasan::
arini adalah ari khamis.sungguh tak patut entry ini diletakkan disini tp cik ct masih tidak puas hati..bukan tidak puas hati pd cik ct tp pd insan2 yg perasaannye sungguh perasan..adakah anda pernah terjumpa dgn org yg perasan?perasan macam2 la.perasan bijak,perasan cantik,perasan bagus dan segala2nye atau lebih tepat perasan hebat.mengapa perlu berperasaan perasan yg anda diperhatikan oleh orang2 disekeliling dan perasan bahawa org2 (bukan yg kat sawah tu) sdg memperkatakan atau dgn kata lain chitchat ttg anda??perasan yg org sedang mengomen mgnai kebolehan anda atau juga kelayakan anda atau kehebatan atau kelemahan dan atau2 yg lain sedangkan org2 itu tak pernah heran pun dgn anda.cik ct amat la kompius bile mana terjumpa dgn org yg perasan ni.yela,org2 tak berkata pun ttg dia 'si perasan' tp dia melenting perasan walaupun dgn kata2 yg sungguh halus dan kononnye org tak perasan yg dia tgh berperasaan.
org perasan selalu perasan org tgk dia.
apekah anda perasan yg cik ct sdg membebel ttg anda.TIDAK.bagusla begitu sbb cik ct hrp takde org perasan yg cik ct tulis entry ngarut ini.oleh itu,jika taknak org berchitchat ttg diri kita (atau kata lain mengata la senang kan) maka jgnla mudah perasan yg org sekeliling menyibuk ttg anda.ntah2 hakikatnye takde org pun perasan kewujudan anda tu.....
p/s kire brape byk prkataan 'perasan' dlm entry ini..
org perasan selalu perasan org tgk dia.
apekah anda perasan yg cik ct sdg membebel ttg anda.TIDAK.bagusla begitu sbb cik ct hrp takde org perasan yg cik ct tulis entry ngarut ini.oleh itu,jika taknak org berchitchat ttg diri kita (atau kata lain mengata la senang kan) maka jgnla mudah perasan yg org sekeliling menyibuk ttg anda.ntah2 hakikatnye takde org pun perasan kewujudan anda tu.....
p/s kire brape byk prkataan 'perasan' dlm entry ini..
::menjawab soalan tag nani::
-tagged by nani before raya..so,nani takdak utang dh k..:)
What were the 5 things on your to do list today?
i) do laundry
ii)mop myKITCHEN
iii)cook for darling
iv)arranging clothes in wardrobe
v)taking a nap..:)
What are 5 snacks that you enjoy?
v)kuih raye
What are 5 jobs you’ve had?
i)house manager
ii)D.O (dapur officer)
iv)bookshop assistant
5 people you wanna tag back?
no for this moment...
What were the 5 things on your to do list today?
i) do laundry
ii)mop myKITCHEN
iii)cook for darling
iv)arranging clothes in wardrobe
v)taking a nap..:)
What are 5 snacks that you enjoy?
v)kuih raye
What are 5 jobs you’ve had?
i)house manager
ii)D.O (dapur officer)
iv)bookshop assistant
5 people you wanna tag back?
no for this moment...
Monday, 13 October 2008
::admitted to ward::
huhu...new experience for me n dearly husband..i started vomitting non-stop from 12noon..panicked of being like that,i cried n dearly hubby brought me to the clinic.non stop vomit though the doc gave a dose of medicine to stop it.(still vomitting in the doc's room)..then,doc gave a letter to be referred to hospital..:( we were so panicked and worried..of course the first thing in my mind,how's our baby???but doc said baby is alright n heartbeat is good..but,i was unable to tolerate any liquid n food for hours..after being checked by MO,they told that i was dehydrate badly n need 2pint of water thru drip.suddenly,MO came n they referred my case to O&G dept which caused me to be admitted to the ward..not 2 pint but i need 6pint of water..about 3litre..so,that night,i had my 'sweet' dream in the ward with baby wiggles around in the womb missing papa very much..the next day,i wish i can be discharged by noon but cannot.i drank a lot of water n finally, at 4.30p.m nurse came after checked my urine n off the drip..now,i'm still feeling tired..
::mama n papa has to be extra careful on the food and beverages after this.
::mama n papa has to be extra careful on the food and beverages after this.
Sunday, 12 October 2008
::dhiya engagement::
akhirnye cik ct n darling sampai juge ke rumah dhiya..walaupun kami lmbt tp kami smpai la jgk ke bukit persekutuan..tahniah ats pertunangan mu..serba purple..dan smpat jgk berjejak kasih dgn mak sedara yg dh lama tk jumpe kt kg.jumpe kt kl lak..ish2...n soklan yg ditnya nape tak dtg raya kt umah..huhu..mmg tiap2 thn kami msti raye kt umah dia di kg wlaupun dh mlm tp thn ni ntah nape,sape pun tk tingat.maybe kesibukan kami berkejar ke sana sini umah mak,umah mertua,balik kg smpai sorang pun tkde yg sebut nk ke umah dia..ish2...congrats again to dhiya..kdurinye on valentine day next year.kebetulan je tarikh tu..insyaAllah kite akn cuba menghadirkan diri..
alang2 dh dkt kl,maka darling pun membawa la diri ini dan baby dlm 'playground' ni ke midvalley.ish..dh lama tul tk ke sini.seingatnye thn lps kuar dgn housemates n ank2 buah konon nk tgk wayang tp tk jd sbb ramai sggh manusianye ms tu..so,dgn darling cuma pusing2 buang masa n smpatla jgk grab 2 helai seluar from mOdernMUM..thanks syg...
alang2 dh dkt kl,maka darling pun membawa la diri ini dan baby dlm 'playground' ni ke midvalley.ish..dh lama tul tk ke sini.seingatnye thn lps kuar dgn housemates n ank2 buah konon nk tgk wayang tp tk jd sbb ramai sggh manusianye ms tu..so,dgn darling cuma pusing2 buang masa n smpatla jgk grab 2 helai seluar from mOdernMUM..thanks syg...
Thursday, 9 October 2008
skrg bila org tya bila nk stat ngajar,saye dh ade jwpn..november 2008
bile org tya posting kt mana,saye dh ade jwpn...selangor
bile org tya,dpt sekolah mana,owh tidak,blum ade jwpn utk itu...:( :(
yg pasti 10nov saye ade taklimat jpn di kelab shah alam n nnt baru saye tau saye akan mengajar dimana...yeayea...tak sabar nk lapor diri...yg saye pasti saye tak dihantar ke sabah n sarawak n yg pasti mereka antar saye kt selangor saje...alhamdulillah...
bile org tya posting kt mana,saye dh ade jwpn...selangor
bile org tya,dpt sekolah mana,owh tidak,blum ade jwpn utk itu...:( :(
yg pasti 10nov saye ade taklimat jpn di kelab shah alam n nnt baru saye tau saye akan mengajar dimana...yeayea...tak sabar nk lapor diri...yg saye pasti saye tak dihantar ke sabah n sarawak n yg pasti mereka antar saye kt selangor saje...alhamdulillah...
::raya story::
1 syawal 1429H - aidilfitri pertama dgn suami tercinta di rumah mertua..meriah sbb ramai adik2..riuh rendah jdnye.tp cik ct demam selsema yg amat teruk.asal celik mata,idung tersumbat..sangat2 meletihkan..lps cik suami blk dr masjid,pegi umah nenek kt depan pastu trus blk umah ma n abah..maklum kampung dkt2..best jugak.tlg2 ma n along msk,kemas ape yg ptut,pegi beraye kejap pastu kami pun balik kampung nenek sblh abah mertuaku di tanjung piandang..best dpt mkn nasi dgn ulam,ikan2 darat(ikan sepat,ubi),kulit cempedak goreng(sgt sedap n rasanye mcm ayam goreng)...dan rasanye selera makan cik ct dh bertambah baik.alhamdulillah..takde lagi mabuk2 loya2...:)
2 syawal 1429H- pergi beraye umah anis aka cah...pastu duk umah smpai ptg sbb bakal suami adik ipar n family nk dtg..cik ct masih demam n tido je..ish2...tak dpt nk tlg mak dgn adik2..mlm blk umah ma abah..n kami asyik mkn laksa...laksa lg..
3 Syawal 1429H - konvoi 4kereta balik kampung abah @ bukit mertajam..as usual kak tonje @ iman ikut acik n unclenye..tp dia tido je spjg jln..ish2..tonje btul..dh abih jadual ziarah ke umah sedara mara,program sndiri la plak..free n easy kata abg long..deme dh plan nk ke penang tp kami takde plan pun..asalnye nk ziarah sedara sblh suami plak n dh deme tkde kami pun trlajak smpai penang jugak..naik feri plak tu..mknla pasembor,sotong kangkung...
4Syawal 1429H - bawak ma cari barang.pegi kenduri kahwin hishammuddin.classmate yg rapat la jgk dgn cik ct..kawen jugak hisham dgn salwa,cikgu kt kuantan.jumpa zikri,isteri n anaknye.n plg best sklali jumpa Roomateku, kak dila tercinta..rindu bangat seh...mlm,gerak balik ke bukit beruntung.melalui traffic jam yg sngat meletihkan..smpai our HOMEsweetHOME kul 2pg..
gitula raya kami!!!!thn depan msti lg meriah bila dh bertiga..(confirm bertiga sbb yg dlm perut ni satu aje)
2 syawal 1429H- pergi beraye umah anis aka cah...pastu duk umah smpai ptg sbb bakal suami adik ipar n family nk dtg..cik ct masih demam n tido je..ish2...tak dpt nk tlg mak dgn adik2..mlm blk umah ma abah..n kami asyik mkn laksa...laksa lg..
3 Syawal 1429H - konvoi 4kereta balik kampung abah @ bukit mertajam..as usual kak tonje @ iman ikut acik n unclenye..tp dia tido je spjg jln..ish2..tonje btul..dh abih jadual ziarah ke umah sedara mara,program sndiri la plak..free n easy kata abg long..deme dh plan nk ke penang tp kami takde plan pun..asalnye nk ziarah sedara sblh suami plak n dh deme tkde kami pun trlajak smpai penang jugak..naik feri plak tu..mknla pasembor,sotong kangkung...
4Syawal 1429H - bawak ma cari barang.pegi kenduri kahwin hishammuddin.classmate yg rapat la jgk dgn cik ct..kawen jugak hisham dgn salwa,cikgu kt kuantan.jumpa zikri,isteri n anaknye.n plg best sklali jumpa Roomateku, kak dila tercinta..rindu bangat seh...mlm,gerak balik ke bukit beruntung.melalui traffic jam yg sngat meletihkan..smpai our HOMEsweetHOME kul 2pg..
gitula raya kami!!!!thn depan msti lg meriah bila dh bertiga..(confirm bertiga sbb yg dlm perut ni satu aje)
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