::Choice in ur hands!!!::

Friday 17 October 2008

::Mencari identiti:: Build your own personality

This entry is totally based on my thought and some of my experiences.
In our life, some of us have idol that lead us to follow what she/he does in her/his life.in every aspect such as clothing style, speaking style, even the thinking style..have you ever heard the dialogue below?
Nak pakai baju macam tula sbb tgk si blabla pakai cantik je.
Si blabla buat baju mcm ni la.
Si blabla kata macam ni lg bagus.jd nk ikut mcm si blabla buat la.

(dh fanatic sangat)

but somehow,we have to build our own personality..i’m posting this entry bcoz a few days ago I had a short dialogue thru sms with my friend about ‘copycat’. This is much related to the previous entry :;perasaan perasan::

‘copycat’ person is such a person that searching identity in a very narrow way. Usually, he/she doesn’t have a guide or doesn’t know who actually they are. They tend to copy people who are close to them because they really adore their idol. Or sometimes they tend to force people who are weaker than them to follow them. I’m not saying that following people style is wrong but there is a right way to do that.
Are you comfortable when people say ait,nape aku tgk style ko sama je dgn siblabla’ / ‘bukan ke dulu siblabla buat macam ni la kan.abih tu ko ikut la dia’so annoying right..

Don’t follow or copy 110% of the person that you adore but make them as an example in your life. You may find your own personality when you are confident to do something on your own. You will be titled as a copycat person when you tend to copy your favourite person style and keep changing your style until other people don’t know who are you..maybe only some people may understand you but what kind of person??

Senang cerita::
Orang berubah menjadi semakin baik. Contohnye;
Dulu mencuri sekarang dh insaf.
Dulu suka mencaci sekarang dh tak buat lagi.
Dulu rambutnya terdedah sekarang dh bertudung litup.
Dulu suka berfoya,bertukar pasangan sekarang mencari yang benar.
Dulu hidup tak ingat akhirat sekarang dh taubat.

Orang mencari sinar bukan mencari kegelapan.
Bukannya dulu tuturnya sopan, sekarang asyik mengeji.
Bukannya dulu elok bertutup, sekarang sengaja didedah-dedahkan.
Bukannya dulu elok berkawan, sekarang mencaci hina
Bukannya dulu halus budi bahasa, sekarang dh suka berkasar bahasa.
Bukannya dulu asyik memuji, sekarang suka memerli.

Buat diri sendiri yang masih mencari ilmu dunia dan akhirat, buat teman2 blogger, teman2 yg mengenali, sama2lah kita mengkaji diri kita dan apa yg sebenarnya kita mahu dlm hidup yg sementara ini…….

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