::Choice in ur hands!!!::

Sunday, 30 October 2011

::Bumbu Desa,The Curve; once in a blue moon::

Talapia goreng

Gulai Daun Singkung

Tumis Cumi

sambal yg mmg pedas tak hengat dunia

We ordered ayam kecap RM8.90 for little boy, nasi liwet (like nasi lemak) RM2.90 and nasi for two RM3.80


Honeydew juice

My review:: This restaurant serves us with plenty of lauk pauk of Sunda n Padang food..To those who likes hot n spicy (err very hot), should come here and try their sambal.

Overall, I gave 8/10. 2marks deducted bcoz I couldnt stand the hot sambal. asyik makan sesuap pastu minum je.
10marks is given to my favourite alpukat juice.:)
The price!?? Errr that's why I mentioned earlier, 'once in a blue moon'.

May come again when we get bonus or my birthday. Bcoz after this we will get 20% discount on birthday as a Bumbu Desa member.

Nganga mulut je mcm anak buring sbb sibuk main robot.

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Saturday, 29 October 2011

moslemparents.blogspot.com: Duas to Get Pregnant / Doa Untuk Hamil

moslemparents.blogspot.com: Duas to Get Pregnant / Doa Untuk Hamil: If you are trying to get pregnant or are already pregnant and would like to be blessed with a good child, you may want to practise reciting...

I found this dua frm moslemparents.blogspot.com.

Friday, 28 October 2011

::Merge these two blogs::

I'm thinking of combining Aqeel Haziq's blog and Mama's blog.
There are few reasons for it.

Luckily, blogger.com has create an import export button.It's easy but I have to use my lappy to do this task.

Owh, if I change my mind, the blogs will remain two!

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Thursday, 27 October 2011

::A glimpse on our family photobook; I like!!!!::

Our family photobook is ready.
I like it.
Tq to mr.Papa for his effort on arranging n uploading the pictures.
Tq Photobook.com.my.
Tq to Groupon too.
This photobook worth 200+ but with Groupon we pay only 50+.

The photobook shop is located at Kota Kemuning. We have to self pick up the photobook. If you wish to use their service, just browse to their website.

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Wednesday, 26 October 2011

::12k, mimpi ke realiti::

Asyik termimpi2, sebut2 12 ribu kan. kalo dapat huish macam2 nak beli. terutamanya kereta idaman la. takpun tv sony bravia full HD+3D dan ntah apa2 lg ciri2 yg ada.

Atau boleh jugak buat down payment rumah kn. Hajat hati nak cari umah buat sewa. Tp en.suami kata takmo ke renovate dapur bg besar.Kata cikCt, mauuuu aje kalo ada duit.

Ada duit nak jatuh dari langit!!!!

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::Wanted!! Pencuri stroller::

Masa kami sedang membakar lemak2 tepu di One Utama, ternampak satu notis di baby shop MAMOURS. Kalau anda selalu jalan2 dkt OU mesti tahu Mamours tu kedai jual barang2 baby especially branded strollers.

Notis tu siap ada gambar lagi ye.


Terkejut kami baca. Pencuri tu husband and wife and of course seorang baby. Daripada gambar tu, masa mula2 si suami masuk, si isteri di luar tolak stroller sweet cherry design lama..Gaya deme laki bini mmg tak bleh blah. Kata suami cikCt gaya macam org kaya ye.

Kemudian, dah masuk dua-dua konon duk belek stroller yg display kt situ. Konon2 test drive la dgn ank kecik. Tup,tup si isteri beralih, tinggal la stroller sweet cherry td.

Ada tiga gambar dr cctv kt situ. Kejadian tu berlaku pd 25Sept2011. Baru sebulan ye. Yg herannya, Mamours ni bukan ramai sgt customer dtg.Kalo dtg pun ramai yg belek2 je banding yg membeli sbb mahal.
Macam mana salesgirl or cashier dia haritu tak perasan. Dan yg heran bin pelik lg takde ke alarm bunyi bila lalu kt pintu???Or stroller deme rembat tu takde price tag kut???

Yang nak cikct highligt di sini ialah,
apa pasal nak bergaya lebih kalo takde duit?
Sanggup mencuri sbb nak tunjuk lagak boleh pakai barang2 branded?
Esok anak jadi penipu,pencuri,perompak nak salahkan siapa?
Daripada gambar tu nampak mcm org kita.:(

Fikir-fikirkanlah ye.
Janganla jadi org yg hipokrit.

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Tuesday, 25 October 2011

::3 days holidays but the teacher is not well::

Seriously, I feel like to sleep all day. I have a running nose, it's watery all time, dizzy which sometimes lead to migraine and my body is not feeling very well today.

oh,this teacher cannot enjoy her holiday! huhuhu.pity me. The husband has to come back for lunch n bought his wife and son two pack of chicken rice.

I know this is only a little test from The Creator. I wish that tomorrow I'll get better. How I wish I can do many experiment in the kitchen on these 3days holiday?hmmm.*sigh*.

Hate consuming panadol or paracetamol or uphamol n whatsoever. I tried to drink lemonade tea but it doesnt relieve my watery nose. Cocoa drink help to relieve migraine but only for a while. So, I had to take the pills.

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::The most favourite activity; main ayor::

Tell me, is there any baby who doesnt like to play water??

Takde kan. I bet all of them like to play water right. This is my toddler's activities with water. There is some time he doesnt want to take his shower but it's because the weather is cold. Otherwise, he likes to play water, blows bubbles and shoots the wall while taking his bath.

watering the plant

washing bicycle

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::Manhattan Fish Market @ TheCurve::

Had a great lunch at MFM, TheCurve..The best seafood with the best price.

Psst, myHubby used Groupon deal ok. So, here is the food.


Tropical breeze before stir

After stir

aik,only the two of us.hehehe.Anakanda sedang beradu.sungguh lena dalam stroller.:)

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::Groupon; cara berbelanja dgn berhemah::

Bestnya kalo dapat beli ini, tp mahal.
Bestnya dapat pegi sini, tp mahal.

Sekarang, anda boleh berbelanja secara berhemah dan dapatkan macam2 benda yg anda suka. GROUPON adalah salah satu cara membantu anda berjimat dan mendapatkan benda yg anda impikan. Terutamanya pegi holiday!

Tengok deal yg menarik dlm page Groupon then jgn tunggu lama2. Terus dapatkan ok.

Err, cikCt pengguna groupon tp yg booking, bayar n sebagainya adalah encik Suami yg baik hati.:)

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Sunday, 23 October 2011

::Pampering myself; Suri Permai Spa::

It's really a blissful sunday! Early morning, my other half wake me up and asked us to get ready. Where would we go? We're going to a spa.

This is a compliment gift from mr.husband to his wife. :) Thank you mr.Hirzan. Love you to the max!

Syokkkk oooo kena urut.

I got a full massage from top to toe. Hilang migrain tau!
I did body scrub treatments. Milk bath and sauna.
Then, I did extensive facial treatment.

I felt so refresh and revive!

Suri Permai Spa is special for Muslimah. The price is reasonable too. I should recommend you all to go. This spa is located at Danau Kota, Setapak.

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Friday, 21 October 2011

::Merawat anak demam::

My little boy demam. huhuhu.dah lama tak demam sayang mama nih..slalu selsema atau batuk je. semalam papa pegi ofis dan balik semula nak bawak dia ke klinik tapiiiii dia takmau turun kereta pun..

adoila anak tunggal kami ni takut benor jumpa doktor. so,sampai dkt entrance dh melalak macam histeria, papa pun request ambil ubat je la.mujur klinik panel ok. Tapi, make sure klinik yg mmg ada rekod kita. Aqeel ada asthma so ubat batuk dia yg slalu doc prescribe ventolin or bisolvan. ubat selsema piriton.

selain daripada itu, mama urutkan badan dia dgn minyak mujarab ini.

ini ialah minyak habbatus sauda. mmg pure. beli di Mekah. Segala2 penyakit boleh dirawat insyaAllah. Kena yakin dan usaha. Alhamdulillah, minyak ni meredakan demam Aqeel. Takla terus baik tapi panas badan dia tak tinggi n masih dalam kawalan.

Sekarang ada yg dijual dipasaran Malaysia tapi bukan pure la. Dah dicampur minyak zaitun dan macam2 lagi. Tapi, minyak ni atau biji habbatus sauda mmg sgt bermanfaat.

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Papa has just uploaded our family photobook and we are now waiting for the product. I could say this photobook is specially for Aqeel Haziq..:)

This is our first time using Photobook.com.my service. Can't wait to get it..

::Harga emas turun.Belilah goldbar anda!!::

Deepavali is around the corner right...Semua orang sibuk la shopping. Biasala raya apa pun kat shopping mall haruslah ada sale..sana sini sale...dan yang paling best goldbar pun sale kut....

Harganya merudum. Seingat cikCT last week masih rm180..kemudian, main2 turun seringgit pastu naik balik. tapi minggu nih waaaaaahhhh, sangat mengujakan saya..Turun sehingga 6ringgit lebih. Maka, hati dah tak keruan bila tgk 174/g..

Kebetulan, semalam payday..apalagi, baik saya tambah koleksi saya..sebaik saya lock Alliance Gold, dah naik 175/g...hihihi...jimat seploh ringgit makcik...

Tunggu apa lagi, cepat bertindak..

p/s: tunggu bonus hujung tahun plak!!!

Thursday, 20 October 2011

::Harga emas turun.Belilah goldbar anda!!::

Deepavali is around the corner right...Semua orang sibuk la shopping. Biasala raya apa pun kat shopping mall haruslah ada sale..sana sini sale...dan yang paling best goldbar pun sale kut....

Harganya merudum. Seingat cikCT last week masih rm180..kemudian, main2 turun seringgit pastu naik balik. tapi minggu nih waaaaaahhhh, sangat mengujakan saya..Turun sehingga 6ringgit lebih. Maka, hati dah tak keruan bila tgk 174/g..

Kebetulan, semalam payday..apalagi, baik saya tambah koleksi saya..sebaik saya lock Alliance Gold, dah naik 175/g...hihihi...jimat seploh ringgit makcik...

Tunggu apa lagi, cepat bertindak..

p/s: tunggu bonus hujung tahun plak!!!

Goldbar ialah satu bentuk pelaburan yg makin mendapat tempat dihati peminat2 emas dan juga yg suka melabur. CikCt mmg suka invest utk masa hdpn sbb saya sedar diri saya ni terkadang boros.

Goldbar yg CikCt beli ni ialah emas 999 ye bukan 916 yg kita duk pakai..so,harga berbeza. Setiap hari harga emas di pasaran naik turun dan setiap jam kita boleh semak harga di internet..

CikCt baru mula berjinak-jinak dgn goldbar ni tahun 2011 la. Baru sgt lg. Masa memula takut jgk maklum kluarkn duit dlm jumlah yg byk pastu dpt seketui je emas saiz mcm pemadam. Tp bila byk membaca pasal ni, mmg tak rugi la..

Masa mula beli harganye
rm158.50/g..Sekarang harga beli dh naik rm185/g. Kalo cikCt jual dlm rm177/g. Banyak kan.Jadi cuba bayangkan 5tahun lg.mesti dah naik lagi byk.

Susut nilai goldbar ni tak sama dgn emas yg kita pakai. Ia lbh rendah iaitu 6% dari hrga pasaran.Kalo rantai or gelang emas ni susut dlm 22% sbb dikira used gold.

Bila ada rezki lebih, bolehla nk tambah koleksi. Lepas ni nk cuba Public Gold pulak. Kalo baru nk cuba tryla 10g dulu ke. Setakat ni tgk Alliance Gold murah sikit ye.

Ok,jumpa lg.

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Wednesday, 19 October 2011

::Berita harian please apologize to Human milk 4 Human babies::

HM4HB now is setting a petition and asking mommies to support them by signing the petition.
This is regarding last week issue and they want BH to write a new article on the main objective of HM4HB.

If u care, this is link code.

<a href="http://www.gopetition.com/petitions/berita-harian-please-apologize-to-human-milk-4-human-b.html">Berita Harian, please apologize to Human Milk 4 Human Babies - Malaysia Petition | GoPetition</a>

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Tuesday, 18 October 2011

::Tiada lagi perikemanusiaan::

To all readers,
tiada kata2 dapat diluahkan sebaik melihat Buletin Utama mlm td..berita pertama yg disiarkan mengenai hilangnya perikemanusiaan manusia2 di China.

Kesian sungguh budak berusia 2 tahun yg dilanggar 2 kenderaan..18 org yg lalu lalang hanya memandang, mengelak tanpa ada rasa kasihan sedikit pun. Menderita budak itu.. Meraung hampir pengsan ibunya setelah melihat anaknya terkulai di tepi jalan..

Dapat berita budak itu sudah pun meninggal dunia. Moga dia berehat dgn aman disana....

::Transformers die hard fan::

This toddler really a fan of transformers..he watched the 3 sequel movies..sanggup ulang beratus kali..He memorizes all the characters' names;


Bumble Bee

Optimus Prime




Sam witwicky

kartun2 dkt Disney channel semua boo layan...kecuali upin ipin, boboi boy and satu katun cina Nihao Kailan...err....

::I'm speechless::

I just arrived at home when my other half told me that he wanted to donate our old cushion set to a poor family. I asked him how did he find them? and how poor are they?

Then, he showed me an email he got from his colleague who did survey the house. This family just settles down here in Bkt Beruntung for about 3months. They came from north. I'm speechless when I read the email.

They have 5 children age 7,5,4,2,1 and another one is coming very soon. The mother is 7mos preggy now. Mother doesn't get a complete prenatal checkup as they have no transport to go to the clinic. Sometimes, father has to borrow neighbour's motorcycle or else mum will go by bus alone. 7years old child will keep an eye on other siblings while mum is away.

Father is the only breadwinner who just got a job but only as a contract worker.

They came to KL by train with rm150 3mos ago. Allah arranged that they will meet an old friend who happened to bring them here, give a place to live and father got a job.

The house condition is really sad.
No mattress but only a very thin and very old toto and pillows for children. Mother father sleeps on the floor.
They have a set of stove and gas. 4plastic plates and cups. No fridge and washing machine. Mother has to handwash all the clothes and nappy as well. All clothes are given by people.

The children are given tea only as they cant afford to buy formula milk. The 7 years old doesnt go to school and the little child doesnt look like 7yrs old at all. I believe this child is malnutritious. They always eat mee maggi. Father always saves his food coupon to buy bread for his children rather than buy his meal at workplace.

This family hardship is revealed when the father always borrow money from his friends.

I'm really speechless. Now, we're trying our best to help them.

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Monday, 17 October 2011

::Janji Melayuuuuuu::

I hate waiting ok.
The meeting should be on 9:30 a.m.
I arrive at school on 9:35. 5mins late bcoz when I was at Rasa, I had to follow a few lorries and I've no guts to overtake them.

BUT,sadly,when I reach at school they told it was postponed till 10:30. Huhuhu. Then, after 10:30, they said the person will arrive at 1110. whatdafish. Then, it was cancel..Huarggghhhhh. Janji Melayuuuu. Time yg terbuang tu actually boleh membuatkan aku siap membasuh and masak utk anak n suami ok. mlm ni mmg dah tak larat le nk masak.

After that, I got another meeting with the bosses at 11:45 until 1:50 and I will hav no time to eat lunch.huhuhu.
Now, sakit kepalaaaaa.

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Sunday, 16 October 2011

::Dine in Domino's Pizza, Rawang::

Seharian kami memerap dlm rumah. owh, itu adalah aktiviti yg jarang sgt kami lakukan. selalunya siang weekend kami ialah mengukur jalan2 di mana2 tempat yg menarik.

CikCt pun harini rajin pula memasak lunch. Gulai udang, sayur tauge+tauhu, ayam dan ikan goreng. Memang rajin sampaikan makanan kucing pun cikCt masak.

Lepas maghrib, my other half ajak pergi dinner dkt luar. So, we decided to go to Domino's. Seingat2 saya ini first time kami mkn disini. lagipun location jauh sikit dari pekan Rawang.

CikCt order classic chicken. mmg rezeki kamila sbb mlm ni beli 1 free 1. so cikct pilih bbq chicken. large size ok. topping boleh pilih cuma crust je takde choice.

Compare dgn Pizza Hut, yg ni nipis sedikit n tak muak sangatla mkn.

yours truly makan 2 keping je sbb tetiba perut meragam. take away le selebihnya.

Anaknda tidur sbb tersangat mengantuk! langsung tak makanla.

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::2nd hairdo in 2011::


This is the 2nd hairdo in 2011. The 3rd time hairdo with mamak since he was born. tuuu dia. mama counts every times he goes to the barber. Actually this year not us who bring him to the barber. We asked his babysitter to take him. Sebab utama ialah, bila kami bawak mesti fail.huhuhu.


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::lebih baik berjaga dari tidur::

A perfect Sunday for Aqeel as mama papa are at home and we are not going anywhere. So, he chooses not to sleep even a minute because he doesnt want to miss the fun of playing every toys at home.

Now, he is so sleepy and cant walk properly. He opt to crawl around the house. hehehe. comel kan. suruh tido pun susah.

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::roti padang terbaboo, nasi kandar line clear n crusty popiah ikano::

Tujuan asal mmg nak mencari roti padang terbaboo di Restoran Aan Subang Jaya.

Tapi, ada banyak lencongan sebelum sampai situ. Kami tukar plan ke ikea utk jumpa mak long n co. di situ. So, lepas solat Zuhur, kami gerak ke ikea. On the way, papa nak sinngah makan di Fareed nasi kandar line clear.

your truly sebenarnya tak brape gemor nasi kandar. Tapi boleh layan jgk la separuh pinggan meneman suami.

Nasi kandar line clear ni di Bukit Rahman Putra. Dekat2 dgn De Chiangmai Restaurant. Warung line clear ni tepi jalan je.

Siap makan, kami pun gerak ke ikea. pusing2 cari parking, then jalan2 dgn maklong n co. Dah nak balik, teringin pulak Crusty popiah ikano. Booth dkt dpn Bread Story. Memang menjadi kegemaran kami. Sedap.

Dah pukul 6 leboh barula kembali ke tujuan asal nak mencari roti padang terbaboo. TAPI dgn penuh kekecewaan, kedai tu TUTUP!. Bro juai burger depan restoran kata dh 5 hari tutup. dan sebenarnya ini kali kedua kami datamg sejak bln lepas mmg dia tutup. huhuhuh.

akhirnya, layan je popiah ikano tu.

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::Tawar SusuIbu - Hot News::

Actually, yg hangatnya dh jd suam sbb news article ni keluar hari Jumaat dalam Ratu; akhbar sisipan Berita Harian. Kalau ada paper tu selaklah sebab saya kurang pasti kenapa tak boleh nak view online article. Alright, I just want to discuss the gist of news.

Antaranya, journalists highlight seolah-olah susu ibu diperdagangkan secara berleluasa di internet melalui satu saluran diberi nama Human Milk 4 Human Babies (HM4HB). Dagang means ada jual beli.

Tolongla google dulu cari apa itu HM4HB sebelum anda buat any judgement ok. Oh,nak lebih spesifik cari yg Malaysia ok. Saya terbaca few entries from another blog yg dah tersilap review this stu*** article. Malah comment daripada readers blog menunjukkan mereka pun tidak mengerti atau tahu siapa HM4HB. yang mereka faham daripada tajuk article ada org simply offer their breastmilk and siapa nak kena bayar. kemudian yg dirisaukan ialah connection antara anak dan ibu susuan tidak jelas.

Ok, from my reading, yg saya faham HM4HB ni ialah mcm hub bertujuan membantu ibu2 yg mencari anak susuan atau sebaliknya. Ibu2 ini akan memberi EXPRESSED BREAST MILK (EBM) bukannya EXTRA breastmilk seperti yg dinyatakan dlm article yg ditulis itu ye. ada byk sbb kenapa ibu2 offer BM tu dan selalunya sbb they have a lot of EBM dan terasa sedih dan sayang jika terpaksa dibuang. How about Islamic view. Di HM4HB Malaysia, perkara ini sudah dijelaskan dalam bhgn Frequently Asked Question. Tanggungjwab keluarga anak dan ibu susuan la pulak utk menjaga susur galur keturunan. Rasanya tak susah. Dengan kecangihan teknologi dunia tanpa sempadan, saya percaya takkan ada masalah utk keep in touch kan.
I believe there must be touching stories related to this, right.

Terdapat satu notes daripada HM4HB yg telah menjawab tentang isu artikel ini. It has been shared thru FB and few blogs too. Notes tersebut menjelaskan artikel ditulis tanpa rujukan sahih yg telah menyelewengkan tujuan asal HM4HB.

Terpulang kepada individu masing2 untuk keluarkan pendapat. Setiap perkara ada pros and cons. Tapi, make sure before you judge pleaseeeee do your homework. Kalao term mudah EBM dr expressed boleh pulak ditulis jd Extra, apa kes?!?!

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Friday, 14 October 2011

::I love Friday::

CikCt loves friday so much..:) i can spend more time with Aqeel Haziq in the morning and waktu bekerja sgt pendek..lagipun kan esok lusa cuti...:) dont know what's hubby's plan..definitely he will do some housework first..mow the lawn as the grass is growing longer..

Actually, i wanted to go to a spa this weekend but it is fully booked so postponed to sunday next week..

hopefully, this weekend we can go for jalan-jalan cari makan..i'm craving for Roti Tebabo special at Restoran AAN in Subang Jaya..oh, will propose this to my other half today..

Tuesday, 11 October 2011

::jahat btul Aaron Aziz::

Huh. Jgn silap k, peminat2 aaron. Mlm ni mnyampah btul tgk watak Zaman dlm cerita Jiwa & Lara. Jahat sungguh. Dia letak racun dlm air minum pak mentuanya yg ugut nk lucutkn dia dari board directors.
Lepas tu, dia tulis surat konon2 pak mertua tu mati bunuh diri.

Haritu dia bunuh Jiwa tp actually Jiwa diselamatkn oleh org asli.
Tapi, mana Lara eik?

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::Sakit Belakang yg amat sakit::

Sakit belakang dtg lg. Kalini terasa amat sakit terutama kalo nak pusingkan badan. Kalo tarik nafas panjang2 n dalam2 amat terasa sakitnya.

Nak urut sendiri tp dh tentula tgn x sampai. Nak cari tukang urut tp xtau kat mana. Tak suka nak suruh2 org urutkn.

Right now, boleh duduk tp bila bangun berjalan terasala sakit. Seolah2 macam kain basah yg dipulas.

Kurang kalsium? Tapi tiap pagi minum koko+susu lagi. Salah tidur? Emm, dh kalo tertido kt bwh, biasanya trus tido. Papa pun xkejutkn ajak tdo ats sbb papa dgn aqeel pun trus tido kt bwh.

Tak taula. Hopefully, jgn melarat sakitnye. Rasa2 perlukn nona roguy utk buang angin2 dlm badan nih.

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::PMR is over::

Today is the last day for PMR. I'm one of teacher- on- duty today. We have to check students' attendance n observe the cleanliness of exam hall.

For PMR candidates, they said today is their merdeka day. So, teachers have to be careful bcoz usually, studs gone crazy after exam with flour, eggs, mercun n etc.

Akal pendek yg menyusahkan orang aje. I dont understand why these studs like to do the stupid things. They dont even think that this act would disturb other ppl, would hurt and would start a big fight among them?

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Monday, 10 October 2011

::Goldbar investment::

Just want to share.
Ada duit lebih, belila goldbar.
Buat investment. So, nnt anak masuk U tak payah pinjam ptptn dh.

Harga emas mmg diketahui meningkat saje. High increment. Turun pun singgit dua. Time harga turun bolehla beli n tmbh lg.

Goldbar dari mana2 company pun takpe. Asalkan tahu, faham term n conds masa purchase. Ada byk pengeluar skrg. ALLIANCE GOLD, PUBLIC GOLD, POH KONG, KUWAIT dan macam2 lg. nak 10,20,50,100g pun ada. Terpulang kpd modal kita. Dah cukup haul, setahun, 5, 10 thn jual la.

Carila ejen yg anda percaya. Honest n trustworthy. Mudah utk purchase n sell later.

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::Language Acquisition::

Hi readers,
Today mama wanna share about language acquisition. As our mother tongue is Bhs.Melayu (BM), so, Aqeel's first language (L1) is definitely BM. Now, at 2years n 8months, he can speak clearly even though he still use some terms in baby talk. It still can be understood.

Mama n papa use both BM n English at home. So, Aqeel's L2 is English..usually, we choose English words to replace the words which have more than two syllables in BM. The reason is, it is more easier to pronounce. For example, the word 'tunnel' is used to replace 'terowong'. 'train' for 'keretapi', 'plane' for 'kapal terbang'. However, we keep mentioning the meaning of words in BM so he will learn and absorb both language. I

Owh, I really envy if I met with baby who has English as L1. Hahahaha. Please bear in mind that I'm English teacher so I should have this thought.

How do we expose him to the language? Mama bought him a lot of English books. Then, he learns and listens from internet. I plan to send him to English+Islamic medium school. But, in the mean time hope that he can learn mandarin as well. I target he can acquire three languages at young age. Woaahhh, mommy has become very optimist.

Alright, will share about choices of school in our neighbourhood later.

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Sunday, 9 October 2011

::I love this little man::

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::Taklimat MBMMBI @ SK Kg.Soeharto::

Last Friday, I went to Pusat Kegiatan Guru (PKG) SK Kg. Soeharto. This was the second time I came to Kg. SOEHARTO. The first time was in 2005.

It took about one hour journey from Bukit Beruntung. I went with my colleague. We decided to go there using Plus highway. Exit Bukit Tagar n follow a road to Sg. Tengi. Then, we passed by Felda Sg. Tengi before reach Felda Kg. Soeharto.

We had to attend a Taklimat on Memartabatkan Bhs Melayu dan Memperkukuh Bhs Inggeris. Alright, this is not a new thing. Actually, Dasar MBMMBI is implemented to replace PPSMI. Ok, the purpose of this taklimat is just to distribute a set of new teaching aid (in form of CD) for English n BM. It cost RM300. However the content of Cd is not relevant with the syllabus. Teacher can use as one of teaching support only. For English, most of the content like interview is coming from Australia. The accent of speaker may disrupt students' understanding. Most of the teachers sigh. They would hav problem to introduce the content to low proficiency studs.

Then, we were introduced a new product from nst, School Times. It cost rm1 and soooo beneficial for teacher as it contains teacher's guide n notes in every section. So, teacher will know how to explore the text in that paper, how to use the particular articles in English classes completed with the exercise. Students will learn how to pronounce words from the glossary which complete with simple phonetics symbol.

See the difference? Hmmm, I hope I can convince my school to subscribe to School Times. It would be so beneficial for us eventhough it is so cheap.

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Saturday, 8 October 2011

::Have a great time at Tepeng::

It has been a month after raya. I miss my ma very much and abah too. So, we decided to go back before 8 a.m.. We plan to arrive early in the morning. So, i can spend more time with ma.

It's so happy to see ma. I miss abah yet I only meet him in my dream. Thank you Allah to give me chance to meet him. I can only wrap and send a gift for abah every solat.

We went to Tepeng town this evening. We went to Giant,bought some stuffs. Then, papa bought Murtabak Mydin, the most popular murtabak in Pekan minggu Changkat Jering. Soooo yummy. Sampai segah perut sbb mkn aje. Tomorrow, i'll make sure, my other half get 'popiah basah' for me.

My little Aqeel also looks very happy.makan bertambah dgn lauk yg mak tok masak. Emmm, delicious.

Yeah, we have a great weekend here at Tepeng.

From Taiping with Love!

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Tuesday, 4 October 2011

::mengamuk aje::

Pagi td Aqeel bgn awal sblm papa ke pfis. Apa lagi,berdrama la dia. Nak ikut papa pulak. Huhu. Letih Mama memujuk last-last upah main ayor dkt luar. Habis basah baju seluar dia. Tapi takpela,asal dia senyap udah. Mama tak larat nak tengok, nak dengar dia 'meloktang' (mean:mengamuk)

Anak org lain dh jd abang pun Aqeel tp deme tu x meloktang ke eik? Teringin jgk mama nk tgk anak org lain yg mcm kamu.hahahah. Ada ke? Kalo de adik kecik dh bijak la kut. Tp kalo mcm Aqeel jgk, huh mau slim melim mak nnt.

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::PMR is beginning::

It's really a happy day for me.hahahaha. PMR is beginning and form one students are given school leave for at least 3days..ngeh ngeh.bahagia ticer. I can finish all the works this week..

Oh,I also pray form three students can answer the questions n get a better result. At this time, I really feel like a peacock. Proud n arrogant. Yup, every time i came across them, they will ask me to stop n wanna ask for my bless..I taught them during form two n what make me menyampah is listening to their dialogue

"Ticer, menyesal saya tak belajar English elok2 thn lps".

And the worst part is, never say hello or give salam along this while. However today, call out my name n stop me juz to ask my forgiveness. (they realized that they made so many mistakes).

Huh, it's too late. Even I forgive them but I cant help them anymore. Some of them were not appreciating what I did before. So, it's up to them now.

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Monday, 3 October 2011

::Kawan saya Eg dh bersalin::

Tahniah buat teman sekuliah dulu. Izy Ibr. Beliau dh selamat melahirkan baby girl pd 2 Oktober. Dia dh post date lbh kurang 5hari kut. Izy @ Eg dh dpt sepasang. Anak sulung dia a boy. Seronokla kn. Nama yg diberi, Widad Nur Amani. (Tau pun fr fb sbb xdpt lg contact dia). A nice name.

Semoga ibu n anak sentiasa sihat.

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::Aqeel Haziq witwicky n bumble bee::

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::testing bloggeroid::

Entry post from bloggeroid. My first time use. Kekok sikit. Tp yg best bleh add image.

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::best buddy::

::his favourite::

Aqeel blum jemu dgn transformers lg.. Serba serbi nk transfomer. Dia dh beralih dr Thomas n frens. Dia hafal semua nama character transformers. Yg dia plg minat tentula optimus prime n bumble bee. Tp masih tak lupa bc buku. baca abc,alifbata.

Semalam pegi sogo pun sonok dpt beli baju n ball. Tak taula bila dia nk jemu.haila anak.

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::Day trip on a train with toddler::

Mama n papa promised Aqeel to go for a train trip.So,yesterday,we went to KL by commuter.along the way to train station he kept asking us where we want to go bcoz he was very worried if we dont take him on train. When we reached at Rawang station,he couldnt be patient anymore.he kept asking when our train will arrive.huuhu.

We were on board at 315pm and our destination was to BanK NeGara. Papa decided to go to Sogo. We reached there at 4pm n aqeel fall asleep. So,papa had to babywear him until we reached at sogo. We went for a drink then solat asar. After that, we decided to go to baby dept. Papa bought Aqeel a transformers shirt n bouncing ball. Habih hatila kawan. Read more story here on his blog.

We went home at 625pm after missed one train n waited for about half an hour. Mama boarded on ladies coach. It was so crowded n there were few men on that coach. To make it worse, a lady with two kids brought along her baby stroller inside the coach. Tak patut sungguh bcoz it was a big size stroller n she didnt fold it. There few people brought luggages. The condition was like ikan sardin dlm tin.

However, 15mins later, Mama saw Aqeel n Papa beside that coach. Papa waved n Mama realized that Aqeel was crying.huhuhuh. He wanted mama!!! My hp battery was flat n dats why papa couldnt call me. The crowded train had limit my movement so i couldnt go nearer to the door where I saw them. I decided to go to their coach when train stopped at Sg.Buluh. Luckily Papa had the same instinct.

Aqeel hugged me soon as I took him from papa. He wanted his milk. Papa said that he cried out loud on top of his lung. Tebal muka papa. We reached Rawang at 720 pm. It was a fun trip but tiring..

Some tips to share:
1. Wear proper shoes.
2. Bring a bottle of water.
3. Minimize your backpack. I brought a small bag to put Aqeel's milk n clothes.
4. Bring a baby carrier instead of a stroller.
5. Dont separate with ur hubs n son when board on the train. This tip is specially for our manja sangat boy.
that's all folks!

Sunday, 2 October 2011

::Perodua family day 2011::

Fun in the sun tema p2 day thn ni.Alhamdulillah mmg sunny all the day. Slps 2 thn bg voucher shopping aje,thn ni p2 buat jgk family day di perkarangan p2 jgk.gerai2 sgt byk.pentas pun setanding jomheboh.

Umat manusia punyala melaut.bayangkanla kalo staf saja 7000+ tmbh family huh mmg lbh 10000 kut smlm.parking pun jauh.kami trpaksa naik shuttle bus utk ke dlm.

Makanan pun not bad.sedap2. Kami dh mkn awal as papa pi dulu pukul 3 bwk tupperware kosong n isi bwk blk.

Kami pegi ptg pukul 5.tgk org duk line up panjang nk main game.hihi.mlm pulak pgacara jmput an Nabil n Angah Raja Lawak.Katanya Nabil sanding harini.sanggup oo jd mc dulu.psst.p2 byr mahal takkan nk tolak.Kami blk umH pukul 10 n bwk blk bersama kepenatan.hihin.Thn dpn bgla voucher shopping plak.:)

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